[b]Name:[/b] Raena [Ray-nah] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Dragoon Spirit:[/b] Blue-Sea (eventually?) [b]Weapon:[/b] Whip, has a weighted end and can be used for bludgeoning [b]Appearance & Whip:[/b] [hider=Appearance & Whip][img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/276/8/f/clarice_by_russellweefs-d6p4tx5.jpg][/hider] [b]Outfit:[/b] [hider=Outfit][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/076/e/d/light_rays_by_grishend-d2mjap6.jpg ][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Ever the cheerful soul, Raena doesn’t get down very easily. She’s not all that hard to describe. Happy, excitable, and has the attention span of a goldfish swimming in an energy drink. [b]History:[/b] Growing up in Lohan, Raena’s father was a shopkeeper who was a little too caught up in selling his wares, and a little too unaware of where his daughter went. Raena spent lots of her times playing around the Arena and watching the tournaments within. She especially loved the Hero Competition and often times would run around Lohan pretending to be a great warrior like those she saw. She was a common young friend among many of the shopkeepers and often worked for a few in exchange for some trinkets or a little gil to play the games in the arena. The girl never really saw much discipline growing up leading to her all-over-the-place, happy-go-lucky attitude. [b]Other:[/b] [i]Some physics of the whip:[/i] When cracking a whip, the very tip of it usually goes faster than the speed of sound. This causes it to break the sound barrier, causing a small sonic boom. (From a lot of experience with a boyfriend who likes whips, I can say that these are definitely seen [the grass movement] and felt [mostly in your eardrums if you are thankfully, far away]) While a normal whip cannot cause lethal damage, you can get some serious high-speed abrasions, welts, and painful stings. Obviously Reana’s whip isn't exactly a normal whip. What she uses is more similar to a Jiujiebian, or chain whip. [hider=chain whip][img=http://wushu-store.com/images/WushuStore/product/jiu_jie_bian/jiu_jie_bian04.jpg][/hider] As a dragoon, Raena will attach magic energy to her "sonic booms/sonic waves" to perform certain attacks. For the purpose of this rp, I am ignoring the fact that her whip might not be as flexible as others >.<