Seems like I'm the first to finish mine! It's not the most accurate in terms of grammar, but that's because she wouldn't answer something in proper grammar, and since it's in first person, I felt like it should be a bit more informal like she is. If you want me to rewrite it, I can. [hider=Cecelia][img=] [b]Name:[/b] Cecelia Rielly [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Hometown:[/b] Ambrette Town from Kalos Region [b]How would you describe yourself?[/b] In one word – a traveller… though I suppose that’s two words… I love seeing new places, taking pictures, meeting new people and really, just exploring and having fun! I guess I would say I’m a people person; easy-going, bubbly, a bit chatty… or a lot chatty, depending on who you ask. Oh! And I get distracted… a lot. I’m super nice, though! If anyone needs help, I’m often there before they can even think to ask! [b]Why do you want to be a ranger?[/b] Well, not to bore you all with a long and complicated story, but the short version of events is basically I want to see as many places as I can! Only problem is, I don’t have that much money. So, I asked around, and heard that rangers go on all sorts of adventures, figured this would be as good a place as any to start my travels, and so now I’m here! [b]Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt?[/b] Definitely help! Whether it’s getting someone out of danger, or just brightening their day, I love to help people and pokemon alike! [b]Do you have any Special Skills?[/b] Hm… I’m not sure. I guess there’s my CC sense, which makes me get an itch on the tip of my nose when someone needs help. It’s not always accurate though, so I don’t rely on it too much. [b]What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why?[/b] CUTE!! It doesn’t matter what type they are, as long as they’re absolutely adorable, I love love LOVE them! But if I had to choose just one type, I suppose it would by fairy! My absolute favourite pokemon in the world is Goodra! If I could even just [i]meet[/i] one I’d be happy! [b]Anything else we need to know about you?[/b] I love legendaries! It’s always been my dream to get a photo of one, it doesn’t matter which. Oh, if I could ever meet one I’d be the happiest person alive! I've also got a blog, I update it with stories and photos of my adventures. Other than that, I’ve got an older brother, but he’s an idiot and hates all pokemon. I’ve always been worried he’ll run off and join the wrong crowd, you know? But he’s really shy, so I doubt he’d actively go out looking for trouble.[/hider] I'm in the process of making her blog, and will most likely update it along with the RP (though probably all of her blog posts will be in the IC posts anyway).