I'm in. @Innue, I really like how you integrate more depth in Naruto stuff, religion and government galore, so does that mean Uchiha Police Force is reinstated? Or even something better? Cuz from what I can see here, the potential of this rp you are going with its not just about gaining ranks like Chuunin etc but you are spot on huge interaction which is good cuz current Naruto manga kinda lacks that. Going back on the police stuff, if you plan on integrating them, I'll be damned to play as a Police cuz there would be mind boggling mysteries to be solved on some CSI detective stuff and problem solving like Hyouka and Death Note. If you look at it this way,the sharingan is not all about fighting but also it can help solve mysteries by deciphering stuff like Shisui fake handwriting and genjutsu hypnosis to extract intel. Also, try not to make em hax cuz that is basically what every Naruto rp problem has... Nerf down the Mangekyou lol