Whee I'm interested in this! Reserving this spot for my CS :) edit: The art was commissioned by me, so I have all rights to it! :) [hider=Lily][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cOq8Dhv.png[/IMG] Name: My name is Lylis Newton, but you can call me Lily! Age: I’m 19 years young, soon to not be a teenager. Gender: Female Hometown: My Parents are originally from Dewford Town in Hoenn, but shortly after I was born we moved up to Lilycove City. I love my home so much. My grandparents still live in Dewford so I do occasionally visit, but I’m so glad my Parents moved. There’s so much more to do here than in Dewford Town, especially shopping! How would you describe yourself? I’d have to say I’m pretty bubbly most of the time, and really very active – I seem to have a whole reservoir of energy. Long distance running is one of my hobbies – it’s so easy to help clear your mind and to help you think. I do get a little judgemental of people who don’t get out and get active though, especially if they’re using silly excuses. But all in all, I’d like to think I’m pretty approachable. Why do you want to be a ranger? In all honesty, it’s because I love Pokemon. It’s a lame excuse I know, but just the thought of being able to meet and help a tonne of Pokemon (and maybe even trainers) is such an exciting thought to me. Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt? I’d love to hunt. Especially if it involves chasing Pokemon! I love the thought of being sent on trails for cool things like Rare Items too, especially if it can make me a bit of extra money on the side somewhere. Do you have any Special Skills? I like to see myself as a diffuser to heated situations. I know things are going to get though between the groups, and even inside the groups. Calming people down is something I’m apparently okay at. Also I can run – far and fast. What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why? I adore Dragon Pokemon. Salamence and Dragonite are my all time favourite Pokemon. I’m rather partial to Dark types too, but nothing can beat a super attack from a Dragon Pokemon. They’re just super cool. Anything else we need to know about you? This hair colour is completely natural I swear. [/hider]