Majority of the room had taken a seat. Everyone was talking and asking about what was happening next. "Quiet!" A voice boomed through the room. A tall, muscular man stood on the stage, gripping the microphone. The entire room fell silent. "Thank you." He nodded to us. "Now I understand what has happened to you all and I'm very sorry. I understand that not all of you made it. That some of your fellow comrades, some that you considered friends, have either been hurt or killed. I'm sorry." He was very sincere. "I'm General Jones and I'm in charge of this base. You will be given two sets of clothes and a place to stay. Due to the circumstances and the fact that we weren't prepared for this, the dorms you will be staying in are coed. You're all adults and I assume you know how to act. So if there is a woman in the bunk next to you or above you, I expect you to respect her. Vice-verse. Same for you ladies. Respect each other. You will be on a tight food schedule. Rations. We need enough to feed you all, so it might not be much but it'll be enough to keep you energized. Further instruction will be given to you when you reach your dorms."