While gaining Col and even experience at this rate would take a while at least it was enjoyable. For the very beginning of the game it was rather exciting, and it would only get better from hereon out. They had done amazingly with Sword Art Online thus far, this was something he could easily do for hours on end. Good thing then he'd done his homework before logging on, otherwise he may never get to it. Slaying another Frenzy Boar he pivoted on his heel to face another, sizing it up before moving to strike at it with his sword. No sooner had his blade cut through the beast did the sound of heavy footfalls make him take pause, glancing over his shoulder just in time to see a figure launching themselves at him. Baffled he scarcely had time to ask who the person was, instead having to fight to stay standing as he was nearly knocked over, his free hand shooting up to the arm wrapped around his neck. "Gah...! What the hell?!" he exclaimed, utterly confused as to what was going on. Looking at the girl behind him he stared at her for a moment, trying to place the vaguely familiar voice that had addressed him. Finally realization set in, and Ren's mouth hung open slightly, staring at the girl wide-eyed. "Shiemi...? Is that you?" That just made no sense whatsoever. Since when did Shiemi happen to play games? How had she even recognized him for that matter? He scarcely looked like himself right now, save for perhaps his eyes and hair. He had taken on a more mature appearance than his usual 15 year old self. Having more defined facial features, being taller and more than an average physique he could easily be mistaken for an entirely different person. Somehow though his eccentric friend had picked him out of literally a field. Scratching at his head Ren gave his friend a funny look as she asked for how to log out. "Really? You can't find it?" Smiling slightly amused he shook his head, swiping his hand to bring up the menu. Scrolling through the tabs he went to the bottom, bringing up Log Out and... "What the heck? It's not there?" He closed that tab and browsed through the others, figuring it had to be in here somewhere. Not under 'Help', nor was it under 'Profile' or 'Skills'. It hadn't been in 'Inventory' either, which mean that it was nowhere to be found at all. Shutting his own menu Ren sighed, sheathing his sword and looking around them. "It's got to be a bug..." he mumbled, putting his hands on his hips. "I wonder if anyone else has the same problem? Everyone around here seemed to be training without a care in the world, so maybe they don't have it?" He was going to ask just why his friend who was typically not a gamer was on SAO of all places, but right now the glitch took priority. Gesturing for her to follow Ren climbed his way back up the hill from where Shiemi had come, hoping to find someone else to talk to. As the pair would crest the hill they'd find the dozen or so other players still hard at work with their training. No one seems to have checked it yet, or they simply did not have the issue. Uncertain and a touch reluctant to speak to anyone else Ren approached the nearest player, a lanky looking man swinging a spear about wistfully. "Hey buddy, I need to ask you something." he said, grabbing the other guy by the shoulder and turning him around. "Dude, come on! I'm in the middle of training here!" the man remarked, a player by the name of "Kuzai", whatever that was supposed to mean. Closing his own menu Kuzai looked at the boy and girl before him impatiently, leaning the spear against his side. "You got my attention, so what is it?" Precisely the reason he hadn't wanted to talk to anyone, they were rude and bothersome. Forcing a slight smile Ren brought his own menu up, scrolling down again just to make certain that the button was still gone. "I can't seem to find the 'Log Out' key anywhere in my menu, do you see it in yours?" he asked, giving the other boy an inquisitive look. Kuzai looked skeptical but did as he was asked, opening his own menu system. Being a touch familiar with the layout he scrolled to the bottom immediately, expecting to see the Log Out option right there. Just as he'd been told though all that was there was a blank space. Unnerved he bit his lip, checking other tabs meticulously to make certain it wasn't just an oversight on the developer's part. When his search bore no results he closed the menus, a little pale now. "Well uh... Maybe its an early bug?" he suggested, smiling hopefully. "I mean the game has been out for only a few hours, it's to be expected there's a bug or two, yeah?" "Yeah... A bug..." Ren mumbled. Without a word to Shiemi he started to walk off, back towards the town. It didn't make an ounce of sense, why would the Log Out button be left out? The only other option they'd have for logging out then was for someone to remove the NerveGear for them, but that also posed the issue of getting in touch with someone outside of the game. If this was really just an oversight then it was a tremendous one that had to be fixed as soon as possible. "Okay... Okay let me think... Shiemi? We're going back to the town. Maybe someone there can shed some light on what's going on." There was no way this could be a universal bug. Games just weren't released like this, everyone who played them could agree on that. Popping open his menu again Ren eyed the blank spot on the bottom, biting his lower lip uneasily. So why then was he so concerned about this?