[IMG]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u79/SharpshooterJack/markerUnknown_zps47b1f8d6.png[/IMG] [I]I was mistaken,[/I] the woman concluded when the magical senses she had focused on the presumed Fixer told her that he abruptly vanished in a quick burst of energy. [I]He can teleport even without being able to see. That complicates things quite severely... particularly since I can't even tell where he has teleported to.[/I] The most she could do in response to the disappearance of the other was to immediately deviate from her course and remove herself from where it would be obvious to assume she would be. Without breaking her pace the ducal agent immediately veered left, jogging quietly out of the way while staying near the center of the area, since she did not want to go too near the buildings she knew surrounded them and create extremely visible shadows to betray her position. Then, lowering herself into a crouch while holding her unique runesword up high, she endeavored to be as quiet as possible and be as small a target as possible. If her enemy rushed his retaliation against her and targeted where he expected her to be there would be nothing there, since she had already removed herself from that area, and if he was calculating enough to realize that he could track her by the immense source of light that could not function without direct contact with her skin the sword would be located some ways above her and slightly to the right, making the reception of a critical strike unlikely. Effective as this tactic proved just moments later when she heard the telltale sound of a light, thin metallic object hitting stone - likely a small bladed weapon propelled in her presumed direction that missed - all it ultimately did was to win her a little time. She could still be located by tracking the source of light or by any other senses than sight, and even if she stayed still and quiet someone with superhuman sense of smell or heightened ability to feel magical energy would likely be able to pinpoint her location relatively quickly, even if they were blinded enough not to be able to see where the light was coming from. Luckily she was already familiarized with the other's magical signature from before, so finding it again only took a few seconds; by the time she heard his missed attack hit a wall she had already located her known opponent again, although the other one continued to elude her. [I]I'll have to worry about the other one later,[/I] she decided, bringing her sword down in front of her quickly and pointing its tip at where she could sense the masked man's soul. [I]Hopefully it will be a while before their eyesight recovers even if I disable the [/I]Brihjal[I]-seal. Although, disabling that before attacking will leave me vulnerable for a moment while I switch runes... It's better to avoid that window. This will take a lot of my energy and carry a high risk of killing him, but it's safer for me. I must continue to function to serve the master. I will aim at chest-level; that way his eyes might be intact for me to confirm his identity as the Fixer.[/I] Ignoring the pain it caused her to crouch like this, her knees aching terribly from being in this stance, the woman quickly gripped her the wrist of her right sword-holding hand with her left, taking another second to aim her blade carefully before whispering: "[I]Caihl tergrim, harteor.[/I]*" What happened next was nearly instantaneous and barely even perceivable to the human eye, even if the one watching had not been blinded by the light. Upon the release of this new glyph the emission of light from the blade abruptly stopped, shrouding the area in a regular daylight that seemed dark as a cloudy night in comparison to the incredible luminance that had just occupied it. Only, the radiance did not truly stop being created, but was now merely contained; the blade itself retained an appearance as though it had turned blindingly white, as though the light wrapped around the sword tightly rather than shine everywhere, creating a very compact area of searing light. And then, still within a split-second of the change having begun, the light seemed to rush down the length of the blade, congregating at the tip of it in an even more miniscule point, before shooting outward in a beam that was a fraction of an inch thick, less than four hundredths of it, and moved in a perfectly straight line as an extension of her blade. Aimed at her opponent as it was, this beam was liable to burn straight through his feeble flesh in just a second. It would leave a quite small hole, admittedly, and instantly cauterize the wound for him, but if he tried to evade it as he was liable to upon feeling the pain... it would cut straight through all the flesh it passed across. This laser was immensely powerful; if she maintained it for more than a few seconds she would not only deplete her energy-reserves extremely quickly, but also end up burning through the buildings behind her target and possibly cause undesirable damage to Zerulic property and citizens. *"[I]Penetration seal, release.[/I]"