[b]Matt - Matt Life 2[/b] "Which team would you prefer me on?" Matt asked politely. He wanted to help. He had already ditched one school to the demons, he wasn't going to do it again. Suddenly, beams of light shot from the sky and blew the roof off the place, knocking everyone back. Matt was launched, strangely enough, out a window. Thankfully, he landed in some branches of an oak tree. It hurt a bit, but nothing was broken or sprained. Just a bit sore. Matt frowned. The demons were coming faster than he thought. He climbed down the tree to see four figures enter the school from a portal. [i]That must be them![/i] Matt attempted to run back to the school, but his ankle was hurt when he was hurled through the window. He ended up just limping instead. [b]Dani - Drunk Zivon is never a good sign[/b] As soon as Zivon looked at the yellow hand print, he started acting really, [i]really[/i] strangely. He was happier than Dani had ever seen him, but it creeped Dani out. "What [i]is[/i] that?" he asked Leroy, confused. However, before the other boy could answer, something shot down from the sky. Dani automatically dematerialized, and everything just went right through him, including other students. He looked up, and gasped. The entire ceiling was gone, and some not-very-friendly-looking people entered. [i]They're here![/i] Dani thought in horror, then determination. "I have to help in any way I can!" he said to himself. He had never fought before, but he knew how. He could posses objects and become them, surely that would help the war.