[b][i][u]Crash[/b][/i][/u] Crash rolled his eyes at what was said by the dark haired girl, he didn't seem phased by her accusations of cowardice however. [i]How does rushing into something prove strength...even the dauntless need a plan[/i] He felt a little hypocritical as he thought on his own cowardice, his inability to accept what he was and to hide from his problems. He shook his head as Tori left, he felt guilty for having no wish to help her...but he pushed it to the back of his mind. He shifted his gaze to Kathy as she spoke, chewing his lip as he felt a flare of anxiety pulse through his chest. [i]Come on positive feelings![/i] He looked down at her catching her gaze for a moment as she reached up to wipe his face, at her words he gave her a reassuring smile coupled with a thumbs up. "Soon" He added, raising an eyebrow at her advice. Crash grinned at her lifting a hand to the back of his neck nodding at her before she disappeared into the crowd, ignoring his discomfort as she left. He turned to the others looking around for whoever was supposed to be joining him. "As soon as she gets back we'll make our move, we can't delay any longer" Crash said matter of factually. Crash amazingly kept his balance as the entire building shook, he waved his arms keeping him upright barely his head snapping back as he heard the ceiling splinter and crumble overhead. "Look out!" He growled, if anyone was near him he shoved them clear as a stage light dropped from the ceiling with an metallic groan, flattening Crash like a pancake, he pulled his arms up to protect his face as the rest of the debris fell luckily the stage light took the brunt of the damage as the rest of the roof collapsed in on itself in places where as the rest of it seemed to be ripped away. Crash didn't stay still very long as soon as the rumbling ceased he pushed the excess rubble off of himself, disappearing in a pouf of purple smoke a small red panda pulled itself free of the fallen stage lighting shifting back into the red-haired boy from before. Crash wiped himself down as he looked back at the bent light, that had been a close call...he thought as he held an arm across his bruised stomach.he stumbled over the rubble looking around for the groups that had gathered before the destruction, his head was thumping as he moved over the rubble he lifted a hand to the side of his face grimacing as a warm wetness stuck to his fingers, blood streaked down the side of his face, running from a cut in his hairline. He growled in annoyance, wiping his face on his torn sleeves smearing it across his face, his t-shirt was ripped across the belly and had dirty stains across it, his black shirt was scuffed and torn around the shoulders. He lifted his head as he heard someone yelling he moved towards the noise, looking up at the hole that had once been the ceiling as he moved he grit his teeth as he took in the extent of the carnage. Crash tried to focus on Kathy as she breathlessly approached him, his now glowing red eyes darting from her face to skim her body checking for any signs of obvious damage out of instinct as he took in what she had said tried to. "Just here?" He repeated instantly swooping down in an attempt to catch her as she fell to her knees, he ended up holding his arms unhelpfully in front of her. He lowered one of his knees to the floor, concern etching onto his dirt streaked face as he listened to the rest of what she said, trying very hard to quell the sudden rush of rage that laced through his mind causing purple smoke to rise from his shoulders. "I didn't see them...but I believe you" Crash murmured, looking at anyone else that was standing close by. He caught sight of Little Feather raising a hand, he called out to her beckoning her other. "Heal her" He asked without consulting Kathy, he moved out of Little Feathers way as she nodded and crouched in front of Kathy his attention swayed as he readied himself for the impeding battle all thoughts of strategy had strayed from his mind...as had his rational mind. -78%- [b][i][u]Little Feather[/b][/i][/u] Little Feather looked up at Kathy for a moment seeing her returned smile, she was glad Kathy was on the same team. She listened to everyone converse slowly drifting away from the group, looking up at Dragonfly she held her flute tightly allowing herself to feel the joy she had suppressed before at the sight of her old friend...he'd returned to her. She twirled her flute through her fingers wondering whether any of the other spirits would return to her...maybe if she made herself stronger...Just as that thought happened she was thrown violently from her feet as the entire building seemed to shake, as she connected with the hard floor her headdress flew from her head, she barely managed to keep her flute within her grasp as her eyes flicked up at the ceiling, she lifted her hands in front of her as the roof came down on top of the crowd closest to her the debris seemed to swallow everyone. Lion got to his feet with a low whine pushing a small amount of debris off of himself, he shook his pelt out blue eyes flickering rapidly around the debris covered auditorium. Stage lights had crumpled to the ground, pinning unsuspecting students to the floor, large and small pieces of debris littered around in mounds...Lion spun on the spot his blue eyes falling to rest on the pile of rubble where he knew Little Feather had fallen a few moments before he released a low bestial cry before jumping at the mound pawing at it erratically, his ears back as his panicked whines echoed around the silence. He jumped back after a moment ears pricked towards the rubble as it begun to shift and move as if being lifted, his ears pricked at a hissing growl that erupted from the moving rubble before a light green dome broke through the dusty debris, lifting enough that the rubble slid off of it pooling around its base. At its center stood Little Feather and Panther, along with a small assortment of wounded students. "Lion! Help us move them" Little Feather called to Lion, she had various cuts along her arms and a rather large one across her cheek but seemed for the most part unscathed. Lion bounded over the rubble to help as between the pair of them they guided the students out of Panther's protective bubble to safety. Once they were clear Panther leapt from the hole releasing his barrier, landing elegantly next to Little Feather as the rubble caved in on itself. "Lion see if you can't help get people out of the rubble, Panther we need to get the injured people over here keep them together protect them as best as you can. I'll attend to severe injuries first..." Little Feather instructed the big cats, sending them off with a flick of her hand. She heard someone call her name and turned to see Kathy knelt in front of Crash she jogged over to them, worry entering her expression as her eyes fell on Kathy. "Heal her" She looked at Crash for a moment before nodding and holding her hands up towards Kathy, a light green light filtered onto Little Feathers palms, she held them out to Kathy. "Just touch them, I promise it won't hurt it'll help" Little Feather smiled reassuringly...her normal naivety seemed to have escaped her in this dire moment she knew exactly what to do, in life she had tended gruesome wounds within her tribe. There was nothing uncertain in what she was doing...She held her hands out long enough for Kathy to heal if she accepted it. The green light residing in Little Feathers palms, swirled in a circle shining weakly, if Kathy touched it a warm tingling feeling would have shot up her arms flooding across her as it sought out injuries, easing any pain or discomfort and reviving weary muscles, the final kick being a sudden rush of revitalizing energy. Little Feather retracted her hands after a moment even if Kathy hadn't accepted the heal she smiled at her friend, getting back to her feet and looking around for more people to assist running over to help Lion.