Roland's question was meant to be the start of friendly small-talk, Kosso didn't doubt, but his body still froze up a bit when he heard the word [i]Aurelion[/i]. For a second, he felt a memory coming upon him, and he closed his eyes for just a second to see a roaring wall of water rushing towards him. When he opened his eyes again, the memory was gone, replaced by the peaceful lounge and the sounds of humans fighting. Kosso cracked open his bottle and took a deep swig, keeping his eyes focused on the t.v. What was he supposed to say? That, "Yes, the last mission did affect me? Awoken a primal fear in me that I'd once thought had been forgotten? Had shaken me up and made it even harder to sleep at night?" He felt naked and vulnerable enough without his glasses, no need to add more complications by spilling his guts to Roland, as helpful as the medic seemed. Luckily, Roland quickly picked up on the fact that he didn't want to talk about it, and moved on to other topics. "Training?" Kosso watched the movements of the actors on screen for a few more seconds. "Their form's alright, I suppose. Smooth, good use of weight and momentum. Didn't think Humans knew these sort of things, never seen one that was a spectacular fighter at close range. Most seem to think knowing how to operate a gun makes them warriors. Most are wrong." Kosso's brows raised in surprise as one of the actors practically flew across the room to strike his opponent. "And I've definitely never seen a Human do [i]that[/i] before. Maybe I'm just being close-minded, but how is this sort of thing supposed to help you train?" He took another drink, smiling a bit. "Now that Kahje's got you all limbered up, maybe we could make some magic happen in a real training session. Been too long since we've been down in the cargo bay, what do you say we head down there and I beat you up some more?"