[hider=My CS Joesph Gaia] [img=http://i.imgur.com/1uql5JY.png] not my art Name: Joesph Gaia Age 14 Gender:male Hometown: Solaceon town: I used to go to the Ruins every single day And explored every part of it. it was the most joyful part of my childhood. I know the way round those ruins like the back of my hand. i also worked part time at the daycare care for peoples Pokemon i learnt how to care for most Pokemon it was a educational experience. every time a trainer would go past i used to wonder what Pokemon they had. i have a fond place in my heart for Solaceon town How would you describe yourself? Always up for a challenge very determined to succeed. and a keen strategist. the flaws with me that i am not the strongest and i find it hard to fit in.with other people plus i am a terrible public speaker ( i get Scared of large crowds of people but Pokemon are fine) Why do you want to be a ranger? I want to be a ranger because it will allow me to see all the ruins of the world and learn about the ancient history of the Pokemon world so i figure out how the ruins came into being also i want to track down the legendary Pokemon And meet every other Pokemon that ever existed because That is my dream. Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt? Hunt Because i have a great interest in the ancient Pokemon world due to growing up near the Solaceon ruins. so to find rare artifacts would be awesome.not to mention hunting down escaped or rare Pokemon for a good cause seems good as well. Rare artifacts could teach people about the life long before poke-balls Do you have any Special Skills? I Can Befriend most wild Pokemon without a capture styler due to living near to the Pokemon day care and helping out their from time to time with other trainers Pokemon i knew how to make a bond between me and Pokemon but it takes quite a bit longer then the Hi-Tech capture styler but the bonds are more permanent. What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why? Fire/Normal (mostly because they have Canine style Pokemon that are excellent for tracking herdier and arcanine prime examples) plus they are the strong types that can push boulders and such scout the way and warm and light the way in cold caverns. they are the perfect companions for exploring! Anything else we need to know about you? Do you have some dark secret? A condition? Or perhaps you really like a certain type of Pokemon? Explain Canine Pokemon because they are excellent trackers so they make a tracking mission quite a bit easier. [/hider]