[Robert] I was in the middle of one of my nicer dreams, when out of almost nowhere, I hear someone shout "WAKE UP!" the voice sounded a lot like Jake's, but when I finally woke up, all that I saw was some sort of white-colored wyvern. I panicked for a moment, only for the thing to add "Robert, it's me, Jake. Sheesh, take a look at yourself before you judge my looks, huh?" with that, I headed towards the bathroom, which was located just off to the right of my room. After maneuvering through the mess that covered the carpet, I took a look into the mirror, only to find out that, for some reason, I was now some sort of mix between a dragon and a bird. Yeah, I had the general body shape of a dragon, but feathers actually covered a pretty decent amount of my body, including a line of them that went down from my neck to the tip of my tail. [i]Whoa... well, this is certainly different from being human. I think I like it, especially if I can fly.[/i] I think as I continue to look at myself in the mirror, mainly just to get more used to this new form. There were still some shredded-up clothes barely hanging from my body, meaning that unless I wanted to go around nude, I'd have to get and probably modify myself some new clothing... a shower wouldn't hurt either. I end up taking a blue shirt and some faded jeans, and head back into the bathroom. Jake had already left by now, apparently eager to play with his friends or something. After using my talons to cut open some holes in the correct places and taking my shower, I finally head downstairs, where I'm greeted by a purple wyvern screaming at me and running, or rather, flying upstairs. "Uh... whoops?" I say to the other creature in the room, a brown, quadrupedal dragon who didn't flee at the sight of me. "It's fine. I'll just have to somehow get her to stop being afraid of birds." His voice somewhat reminded me of my dad's, no, not my supposed 'real' father, the one who actually helped my mom raise me, which only left Berta as the screaming wyvern, which would make sense given that she was always afraid of birds... of course, I wasn't much of a bird, just a feather covered dragon who happens to have bird talons for arms and hands... huh... Dad then walked up the stairs after Berta, leaving me by myself. That was when I remembered that I had somewhere to be, and flew off to my friend's house. [i]Man, I wonder how he'll react to my new shape... I just hope he doesn't react violently.[/i] I think as I fly over the city, apparently being some sort of natural flier, which makes sense given that I almost always dreamed about doing so, and no, not just the 'I can somehow fly as a human!' dreams, either... of course, what was more important was the horrible state that the city was in, by now. Most, if not all of the buildings in the city have been reduced to rubble, and worse? There seemed to be mythical creatures just running and or flying around doing whatever the heck they wanted from destroying buildings to possible cases of murder... it was as if the law no longer applied to anyone. A large amount of dust also seemed to have been floating around the city, which both made it difficult to see and made breathing almost a chore. I finally made it to my friend's house, only to see a gryphon in steel armor apparently in the middle of making a sword. He was hammering away at the thing with the same kind of mallet that my little brother had for a little while... ugh, not right now, dang it... I had to hold back some vomit both from the dust, and from my fear of swords. The gryphon noticed me, and pointed his sword in my direction, shouting "Leave now, intruder, or I will have to kill you!" that was Chance's voice, and probably Chance who was saying it. "Wait, Chance, um, it's-" I get cut off by him jumping right up to my altitude, and nearly slashing at me with his newly-made sword. I dodged at the last possible second, and tried to say something again, only for him to throw the sword at me, missing... until it somehow came back. On its return trip, which I have no idea how that was pulled off, it managed to create a giant tear in my right wing... a tear which was large enough to seriously hinder my flight. The pain alone was almost enough to make me pass out, but I had to continue... he was going to kill me if I simply fell right here and now. I finally decide that I have no other options but to attack, but, I couldn't really attack him without getting close, and I already knew that was going to be a bad idea. I tried to think of other ways to attack when, out of nowhere, a lightning bolt formed at my claw tips and flew right towards Chance, hitting him square on the beak, and leaving a scorch mark on said beak. --- [Tony] I noticed that somehow I was moving away from those giant, possibly evil creatures, and decided to look in the direction that my vehicle was moving after the vehicle went down a somewhat steep hill... what I saw was a giant rail system, and one that was not only old, but poorly made as well. [i]Ah, crap, looks like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.[/i] I think as I notice the rails in front of me were broken. There seemed to be a detour coming up, but no way to make the rails switch. Of course, there might be one way to get the mine cart to go down the right tracks, and, I ended up leaning to the left in some sort of attempt to get the mine cart to head down the less-than-broken tracks. Much to my surprise, it actually somehow worked, though, the cart almost tipped over as a result of my leaning, it was worth it to not possibly end up with a heavy, rusty mine cart on top of me. I thought I was in the clear, however, yet another broken part of the track showed itself, making me lean right this time to go down the correct tracks. There were cracks lining the walls of the cave, probably just from the miners, well, mining, meaning that there was probably something precious or valuable in those walls at some point, but not anymore, which left the cave as one flat dark blue color, with the only thing to break up the boredom being the occasional stalactite, which would force me to duck just to make sure I didn't get hit in the head with it. After avoiding a pillar made from a stalagmite and a stalactite growing into one another by making the cart turn left once again, and looking behind for a moment, I look forwards to see an incredibly steep slope down that ended in a broken piece of the track which looked as though it would catapult me right into the air, and possibly the ceiling. I had no other choice but to go down that slope, and it did just as I thought it would, launch me straight into the air, which of course, scared me beyond belief, however, while I was expecting a huge splat as I crashed into the ceiling, instead, I went right through a hole that was in the mine, and ended up pretty much literally flying through the air on a mine cart. Unfortunately, I looked down, and passed out just from the height at which I was flying. The only thing that woke me up was a huge, jarring crash. It seems as though I had finally landed, and somehow, was safe from injury as the cart didn't flip or turn at all during flight. I got up after dislodging my claws... wait, claws, which somehow found their way into the sides of the mine cart and looked around at my surroundings, and, it would appear that I somehow found myself in the ruins of some town, yet, these ruins seemed rather recent... odd. I looked down for a moment, and noticed a reflective surface on the mine cart, the floor, which showed the reflection of some sort of green, surprisingly scientifically accurate velociraptor of some species instead of the usual human I'd expect to see in a reflection. It appeared as though I was still wearing my uniform, which I confirmed with a quick look at myself, and it was oddly undamaged by... well... obviously I had to change somehow, I just didn't know how. I looked back at the ruins and started to walk around them, noticing several other strange creatures generally wrecking up the place even more. My thoughts raced as I tried to make sense of the situation, but I continued my wandering, amazingly not getting into any fights as I examined these strange ruins. There was an absolutely unhealthy amount of dust in the air, just waiting for someone to breathe it in, so I did the only thing that I could have in the situation, I reached into my work bag, which I took with me on the cart ride for some reason, and took out a red bandanna, which I promptly covered my snout with, making sure to cover the mouth part, as well as the nostrils. I also took out a pair of goggles, however, unlike the bandanna, it didn't even come close to fitting my new shape. I wondered if the color of the bandanna, which helped keep dust and dirt out of my lungs at the moment, would tick off any of the local populace, and almost immediately got my answer when a shadow creature, who somehow had a blue bandanna tied around its head despite not exactly looking physical, shouted "Hey, this ain't your territory, blood!" [i]I knew I should have gotten it in white...[/i] I think as the shadow creature pulls out a gun. I already knew what the shadow was planning to do with that, and somehow, through my panic, created a light which found its way to the creature before it could pull the trigger. The surprise of the attack, as well as the fact that it really seemed to work, was enough for me to run up to the thing and take the gun from him. It was a simple pistol, which seemed to take .9mm rounds, meaning that it was less likely than most guns to kill... well... to kill a human, anyways. Thankfully, I was actually a pretty dang good shot, and I took my place far away from the shadow creature, who still seemed to be trying to kill me.