Hey, and welcome to my small interest check. Nothing too complicated, but after seeing the way Warehouse 13 ended, I decided that I couldn't let it slip by as it is. Its an awesome show which had an awesome plot, but it also had so much more potential. Just imagine the amount of artifacts to toy around with... Ahem, I'm getting ahead of my point. For those of you who have seen the show, you already know what I speak of. For those of you who haven't, I will provide a simple explanation: The plot of the show was around a secret warehouse, filled with mystical objects that each had a special ability of its own. Each object has a good and bad side to its effect, so that makes all of the objects dangerous to use. At all. So, the objects need to be collected, tagged and placed in the secure place that is Warehouse 13. I plan the roleplay to be based in Warehouse 13, only without any of the canon characters or story. If this happens after those characters died, retired, or simply never existed, I will choose later, but my point is that I want fresh agents, fresh Caretaker, and a fresh, new story. This will be our warehouse, our artifacts to play around with. A full explanation of how the warehouse works will be provided if requested upon, along with how I plan the roleplay to properly be, but right now I will give you all this question. Would you accept an invitation to an Endless Wonder? (A Detailed explanation of how the Warehouse works, and how I plan the roleplay to be will be added in the first OOC post regardless of being requested or not, and this is merely to see interest in the general idea.)