[center][b]Tori[/b] - Lady in Distress, take one.[/center] Tori heard a loud noise- followed by a plethora of different sounds coming from the Auditorium. Just as she left, something happened- damn, bothersome, but she didn't wish to go back and check on that bunch of fools. The real danger was laying outside, and she'd embrace it herself. Taking a few steps forward, she couldn't see a single creature- she was expecting a horde of them outside, but all she saw was some glowy and destructive beams, orbs and things like that coming from somewhere- that, she couldn't check herself. Not alone. Not with two or three people. Not even with an army- it was... too dangerous. She wasn't looking to die for a third time, really. She overheard a boy- claiming that it wasn't safe to go outside alone. She was about to turn with a snarky remark before she caught a glimpse of something coming in her direction, the dark-angel quickly turning her head to look at it. It seems danger found her, anyway; there was a barrage of arrows came flying towards her direction and damn, she could barely think of what to do before they were too close. Still- all of sudden, the imbecile from early had leaped forward- his hand was on fire and he used it to slash the air in a rather... amusing speed- the arrows felt all broken on the ground. Tori widened her eyes, but only for a moment before she regained her composture. [b]"You must be an imbecile."[/b] She claimed, coldly. It was better than a thank-you, in her opinion. [b]"... A very unusual one, though."[/b] Whatever the reasoning was behind that, was unknown. Either way, she tried to find the source of the arrows- and there it was, the demonic archer, saying something incomprehensible to the angel. She pointed towards the water fountain, nodding her head. [b]"He's shooting from there. Getting close will be difficult,"[/b] She scanned the area for something to take cover, trying to at least formulate any kind of action against a ranged attacker like that. She could use her gun, but well- unlike a bow, her range was limited- and so was her ability with it.