This kind of chaos was free pickings for Haru, the mayhem lead to nobody paying attention to the young man. A wallet here, a watch there, he could have been in crow-heaven with all the shiny things up for grabs. However, that wasn't what he was after. If Haru could get his hands on the terrorist, he'd have more than lodging money and a meal. Normally, this would have been an easy task, mass confusion was his playground and there were enough willing distractions. What worried Haru however, was the sniper... From the angle of the shot and the environment being a park, Haru could only guess the sniper had stationed himself in a building up high... Which was a far bit further away than twenty meters. Should he take the risk, or count his blessings and leave with just the gun? As it turned out, that wasn't a decision Haru had to make, as another connector managed to knock out the terrorist leader. Aparently by knocking himself out. “Snap...” Haru bit his lip, there were far more men with peculiar powers in these parts of the world than where he came from. “Way to steal my thunder, captain black out.” He muttered to himself. Even so, none of them had done anything about the biggest problem yet; the sniper. Everyone was still in the open, or in other words; completely vulnerable!... The sniper focused on gunning down the private dancer slash police officer and some punk with a sword, and, if Haru's train of thought was right, thereby choosing to exclusively support the big man rather than all the small fry... Which was made evident by many of them being slain left and right earlier by the punk, without any counter-measure... This wasn't over. Haru knew only one real way to end this quickly; get the terrorist leader out of the sniper's scope. However that wasn't something he could easily by himself. Not without getting shot in the process at least. He looked around to see if there was anything to use... The bomb-vests left behind by slain terrorists? An explosion to obscure the sniper's vision wouldn't last long enough. The ice of the Tsurara? Well there were some options... Any good sniper, as he assumed this one at noon, would have the sun in his back, meaning that if they had a way to reflect the light... “Hey there, 'cuse me, officer.” Haru approached one of the Tsurara after dropping from his tree and weaving through the chaos. “I normally don't do this, but I'm letting you in on a magic trick.” Haru caught up with the young woman and after a split second of eye-contact, explained his plan. “If you can make me real smooth ice real quick, we can take care of this sniper issue. He's in one of those buildings over there and his only job is covering for terrorist beardface, if you'll trust my hunch. Your boss-lady leaps dimensions right? If you and I make the man stare indirectly into the sun, she can make sure the guy won't have a next shot. And don't you worry,” He said, suddenly flexing four pairs of arms, “I can hold up any gigantic mirror you conjure, no sweat.”