Jarret watched as the women had total disregard for him introducing himself, he stared at her with displeasure as she walked over to Zendra. "Fine, be that way..." Jarrett grumbled to himself as a sour expression enveloped his face. His ego wasn't affected by this, but his mood definitely was. Jarrett only had a few other times where he was ignored completely, most would at least give him an eye or say something rude if they really didn't want to talk to him. He brushed his right hand through his shaggy white hair as he relaxed himself, closing his eyes- inhaling and exhaling deeply. He watched the women and Zendra speak for a few second before snapping his gaze at Robb, giving him sort of a late reply,"I don't mind tagging along. I've been craving sweets lately but I'm just short of a few froms to buy that new butterscotch strudel down in the market place." He paused to take in some air before adding,"Heard at the Inn that it's just delicious." He stood from the stool he was sitting on and stretched his arms and fingers, clenching and loosening them numerous times. " 'Ave an idea where your heading? Or a just going where the wind takes ya?" He questioned Robb. He made his way towards Robb who was standing at the bar. He took a seat a stool or two away from him and faced inwards towards the bottles and register. He dug into his deep pockets and flung out two metal coins that landed on the counter,"Could I get some tea?" He said abruptly to the barmaid just behind he counter,"Doesn't matter what kind, jus' need something to calm the nerves, ya know?" He sat down at the counter and waited patiently for his tea.