[b]Dendus and Isse[/b] "Wait a goddamn second there, did he just fucking say "lol" instead of actually bursting out in laughter?" In disbelief, cringe and slight surprise, Dendus whispered quietly to the dark-haired, solar boy by his side, hoping again that the flamboyant boy wouldn't notice their talk. "He sure suits that Ryuu guy back there. Although to note that he heard us mention Ryuu and got excited for a moment, i'm sure he is by now." "Who's Ryuu, even?" "Twice stranger than this guy. Although he did seem nice to one of the little maidlike students here at Athalia, but still there are occasions he would hurt you out of..." Isse shrugged, emphasizing the next thing he would say. "[i]pure accident.[/i]" Both of them turned to Darwin Rainbows Guy after he had asked something regarding... chicken wings. Wait, nothing's wrong with chicken wings. Yep, just some food most people eat. Maybe the flamboyant flamboy wasn't much of a ridiculous person after all... or maybe so.