[center][b]Criston[/b] - Now Outside[/center] After motioning for the students willing to follow him to do so, he went outside and just as they exited, [i]it[/i] happened. Criston's eyes grew wide as he watched the roof cave in. He swallowed, clearly nervous and then turned to look toward the garden. He then turned to the students around him. He grit his teeth, clearly angry. With a loud frustrated sigh he motioned for the students to follow him as he went back inside. [i]As much as I want to go out there and look around, I feel that we need to stay here.[/i] He felt his stomach whirling, nausea coming over him. He tried not to show it, but his face was slightly drained, showing his discontent. With darting eyes, he surveyed the rubble. He found his glance stopped at where Brako more than likely stood. [i]Are you really still just standing there? You could have helped them![/i] Criston closed his eyes, trying to push the thought away. After a few seconds he beckoned the students following him to move and help the others. [b]"Find someone to help."[/b] He spoke curtly, trying to use few words. He, himself, rushed over to a student still under the rumble and began to move pieces of metal off of them. --- [center][b]Eric[/b] - Still Outside[/center] He'd stayed outside despite Criston telling them to go back inside. He ran over to a small dirt patch and began to draw, rather furiously. He drew several guns, though not all of them looked quite right. [b]"Damnit!"[/b] He shouted, angry with himself. [i]I need to study pictures of weapons.. I never thought I'd have to...[/i] He shook his head, stopping the train of thought. With a worried look on his face, uncertainty held there, he began drawing again. A line here, a curve there, a triforce here. Soon, he held the master sword in his hand. He blinked at it, shaking his head at himself. [i]I play too many videogames.[/i] Still, he picked up the weapon and then went inside with it. It was exactly as the master sword was in the game and it held all of it's properties from... Twilight Princess. Though, Eric was really unsure as to whether or not he'd be able to use it as Link had or whether he'd only be able to wildly flail it around. --- [center][b]Maria and Lily[/b] - Garden[/center] They walked toward the school, two females with purpose in their step... er... steps and wings. Lily fluttered next to Ms. Cross, looking around at the school grounds. She spotted a fight going on nearby. A female and a male fighting another male and... shots coming from somewhere else? Blinking, she fluttered up to where she'd seen the shots coming from. There, stood a armored man with a bow. [b]"Hi!"[/b] Lily spoke, a wide smile on her face as she got up close and personal with the archer. Maria's eyes grew wide as she watched Lily. She let out a frustrated groan and lifted her hands in the air, only to swing them back down in a motion of pure annoyance. She let out a puff of air through her nose, trying to calm herself down. She wasn't happy with these developments. Now that she was visible, she couldn't very well leave the students on their own. She eyed Ryuu with the swordsman, her eyes narrow. [i]Ryuu is more than strong enough to handle that man... I'm sure.[/i] Her eyes flitted to the Dark Angel, Tori standing very near the other two males. Maria simply smiled at her, a proud smirk, as if gloating. Then, her eyes moved up to the angel and the archer. With a string of words, a shield formed around the angel, one the angel wouldn't be able to see. Any projectiles fired at her would rebound. Content, Maria returned to look at Ryuu, Tori, and the swordsman. She smiled and sat down on the ground, her legs crossed. [i]I'm here if they need me.[/i] --- [center][b]Brako[/b] - Auditorium[/center] [i]DAMNIT.[/i] He stood in the shadows, anger evident on his face. Angry more at himself for not doing anything. It was a split second decision. Help them or let them deal with it on their own? When was the right time? He was simply getting to old for this. Still... He stood in the darkness, simply watching. He knew that now wasn't quite the right time nor the right place. He might not even be needed at all during this little fray. Though... He looked up at the roof... [i]That's going to take a few weeks to fix...[/i] He let out a small sigh and returned his gaze to the students. If anyone were close enough or listening well enough, they could have heard him.