with a wave of her hand she summoned a cup of wine for Sarina and a refill for herself, her eyes looked over to Jarrett who seemed to be watching them for a moment before making his way to the bar, looking back to Sarina she gave another smile "you see my dear...most of the other members of our family are daft of fingers, silent as a shadow..they are the hands and feet within this game we play....I am the lips and ears when one of my birds hear about a score they tell me, and in turn I relay that information to our very talented kin....I learned during my years as a slave that gold and jewels are fine but words...words are the true riches in this life.." she gave a light patter of laughter "words are also power my dear...being what the third child to a fairly powerful family and someone who brokers words over coin themselves I am sure you know this..." she seemed to know some things about Sarina before she even sat down with her. Zendra tapped a finger on the rim of her wine glass "a opium trader you say hmmmmm...I tell you what... I will send my birds out to find what there is to find on this trader consider it a gift my dear"