Lucid Dreaming Roleplay, meant for Free-Casual [b]This RP is closed for new characters for now. Seven is the Maximum.[/b] Welcome, to your Lucid Dream. You can create whatever you please, and you may be whoever you’d like to be in this world we’ve created for you. We’ve invited you to invest a bit of your time for this extraordinary experiment are elite group of scientists have conducted for someone like you. We’re inviting you to join us on our private island off the coast of Hawaii, for you to enjoy while you stay with us, free of charge. We hope you’ll be interested in joining us this spring. Please fill out the application below in order for us to register you in our system, and prepare your trip for the ride of your life. Thankyou, ----- [hider=app] Application Basic Info |Name:_________| |Age:_____| |Date of birth:_\__\___| |Female\Male| We will need some records of your body height and sizes, you do not have to fill this part out if you wish not to. |Height________| |Weight_______| |Body Type____| |Hair__________| |Skin__________| |Markings______| Last we would like a little bit of a background about you, just to make sure you are mentally stable enough to be apart of this experiment. This spot [b] is [/b] required, thank you. Personality/Traits: Short background description: [/hider]