[center][b]Tori[/b] - The fun begun![/center] [i]Tsundere?[/i] If she had more time, she'd question him about whatever the hell that meant- and if it was an insult of sorts, oh he'd dearly pay for it. But right now, Tori was more worried about the archer barraging them with arrows- that... Strange tall dude with the sunglasses. He was skilled, much more than Tori originally thought. If only there was an-... Her eyes focused on the angel. Damn, if she could get close to her and [s]kill[/s] draw her blood with her sword, she'd far stronger and capable of holding the archer-- and the sudden swordsman who attacked the imbecile- with ease. But alas, there was no way of getting close- or well, if there was, Tori wasn't risking it. Instead, she decided to go for something more... explosive. A smirk even appeared on her lips when she thought about it. Raising the Acerbus above her head, the weapon twisted into a sphere of dark materia before suddenly materializing into something far bigger. [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100528013555/gundam/images/8/8e/GN_Bazooka.jpg]THE MIGHTY DEC[/url] (Demon Eradication Cannon) - even though it was just an average gun, which shot powerful explosive bullets. She held it forward, using both of her hands as she took aim at him, a hand moving up to pull the lever at the top of the gun- but, before actually shooting, she noticed someone close to the archer. [b]"Gah this pest."[/b] Honestly, Tori's hatred towards angels and the fact that they were in the way was more than enough for her to shoot, anyway, not caring whenever the angel would be hit or not- after all... Smoke started to escape the weapon as it headed up considerably... And then the loud noise of the projectile being fired. It traveled quickly towards the water fountain, likely causing a small sized explosion once it came in contact with anything. An average explosion, by the way; fire, smoke and all.