[b][i] – Leroy[/i][/b] One minute Leroy was looking for a plausible excuse to tell Dani about the handprint, and the next he completely lost track of what was happening. Blinking, he realized he was down on his back and unable to move. “..?” There was a dull, and uncomfortable feeling throughout his body that he barely registered as ‘pain’. “Is something… Broken?” He was having trouble speaking too. And it was no wonder, some very heavy debris had fallen on top of him and was crushing his chest. With excellent timing, someone took the heavy weights off of him. “Oh, thanks.” Looking a little too nonchalant for someone that had just been crushed from pieces of the ceiling, he thanked the white-haired guy (Criston) and got up onto his feet. With a hint of mild relief, he noted that he seemed to be standing just fine. That probably meant his legs were more or less fine. His right shoulder, however, was a different story. Blood was quickly staining his clothes from there, and his right arm hung uselessly by his side. It was probably dislocated, or even fractured. He was probably hurt in quite a few other places, but he couldn’t tell how badly the damage was. He never could, due to his dull senses, so he didn’t bother trying to figure it out anymore. He looked around for familiar faces, wondering how they had managed in all the chaos. Not having any fighting experience or abilities meant for battle, Leroy intended on staying on the sidelines. “Hey,” Turning back to the guy (Criston) he asked, “Is there a place we can evacuate to or something? Not fit for anything else, but I can let people know where they should go.” --- [b][i] – Kathy[/i][/b] Kathy sighed in relief when Crash told her he believed her. But taking a better look at him, anxiety rose up inside of her. [b]“Heal her”[/b] He said, and Little Feather crouched down before her with a greenish light on her palms. [b]“Just touch them, I promise it won’t hurt it’ll help”[/b] Looking into Little Feather’s eyes she started, “But, I’m just-” Not finishing her sentence, she was staring Crash. All she had were cuts and bruises, it was nothing compared to the injuries she could see on the red-haired shapeshifter. In fact, she was probably better off than most of the students still in the auditorium. However, she bit down on her lower lip and nodded as she touched Little Feather’s offering hands. [i]‘I’m not the best at fighting and I can’t heal anyone.’[/i] She thought, feeling warmth spreading through her body and healing all her injuries. Even the older wound on her right hand healed up. [i]‘I should at least be in my best shape and do what I can. Like I can afford to have any more disadvantages.’[/i] “Thank you.” Murmuring a small thanks to Little Feather, she watched as Little Feather left to help others out. Getting up on her feet, she quickly joined the efforts of other students to look after the injured ones. Taking off the now-useless bandage wrapped around her right hand, she pushed rubble off unconscious students and wrapped the bandage around someone that was bleeding on their arm. Continuing this, she saw Little Feather again. Taking the chance she asked her, “That boy with the red-hair from before, his name’s Crash and I think he actually needs help.” Her hands were balled into fists as she swallowed her feelings of frustration. “When you get the chance, can you please heal him for me? I… Don’t think I’m much help.” She waited for a response with pleading eyes, then continued further into the auditorium. “Zivon?” Seeing the familiar face, Kathy quickly went over to him. Her eyes opened wide as she listened to his laughter. Thinking he had hit his head or something, she put her hands on his cheeks and made him face her as she looked for signs of external injuries. “Zivon, can you recognize me? Tell me where it hurts.”