Alicia looked at Rory and smiled nodded at her comment about their premutant days when she had gone to a party with a friend of hers and met Rory there. She looked at Luna for a moment as they walked towards the infirmary. "My brother is doing great he gets annoying at times but what can you do, I still love him to death and he also told you guys he said hi as well." When they made it to the infirmary Alicia leaned herself up against the wall as Naka headed inside to get herself checked out, she leaned through the door to watch the doctor in the room who she had met a few times before last year when she had gotten sick or injured by another mutant while in Daisy's sparing class. He was kind of cute looking and she had gotten jealous slightly when Rory started to flirt with him but she remained quiet about it Alicia had feelings for Rory for awhile now. When they were done Alicia followed behind Luna quietly listening to Naka and Rory catching up, when they got to the kitchen Alicia stood outside thinking of getting herself a drink as well and headed towards the fridge grabbing a can of cola and opened it before making her way back towards the door near the kitchen and smiled softly when Luna introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Naka." Alicia said taking a sip of her drink. "And not really sure how you could get kicked out." Alicia answered her question with a shrug.