I hope it's ok if it's cryptic. She doesn't like talking about it. x: [hider=Regan Hiryuu][img=http://i.imgur.com/PxLZ0.jpg] Name: Regan Hiryuu Age: 20 Gender: Female Hometown: (An old martial artist community hidden away in Hoenn? Eugh, that'll never fit... I guess I'll just write) Hoenn, Nefrit. How would you describe yourself? Driven [here, there's a little carrot with "to a fault" written above], kind, but with a mean temper. Why do you want to be a ranger? I'm not suited to be a trainer. Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt? I want to Help. Do you have any Special Skills? Fighting-Type pokemon were my specialty as a trainer. What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why? Fighting type! They're so easy to understand. Anything else we need to know about you? Do you have some dark secret? A condition? Or perhaps you really like a certain type of pokemon? I don't want to battle anymore.[/hider] I also hope there's a spot left. D: