[center][b]South-West Block - Nathaniel[/b][/center] --- Nathaniel's eyes and attention were locked on the APC to the exclusion of all else. He was still rushing straight for the thing when hearing his name pulled him out of this hyper-focused state. The fire-lover was asking for his aid? It took a moment, then it clicked in Nathaniel's mind. Brucie was no heathen, no, nothing so simple as that. He was the bearer of the purifying fire of God, sent to bathe the sinners in its cleansing heat. Why else would he called upon Nathaniel, upon the burgeoning divinity for help? No heathen would ask for divine aid, after all, whether or not he knew consciously that divinity was at hand. So far as Nathaniel could tell, heathens had a natural aversion to interacting with him, which he thought must be some sort of instinctual fear of the inevitable judgment they would face for their sins. He stayed with Chris as the man said he wanted to get Annie out of there quick, which was the goal of course, but kept his eyes and gun trained on the area around Brucie. Nathaniel would shoot at anything that tried to stop the mech from getting up onto the APC, and anything that tried to attack it once it got into place. He saw Chris grab a flashbang and toss it, though since the man didn't say anything Nathaniel gave a quick warning to the others over the radio: "flashbang on the big guy." He stopped when signaled and averted his own eyes to avoid the flashbang, then quickly took stock of the situation to make sure nothing had used the bright flash to its advantage while he was looking away. Nathaniel spoke to the others over the radio again as he readied to head forward with Chris. "Let's try to take out the big one on the way forward. I'll pop the door when we get there, Chris make friends with anything left standing. Once he's out I'll rush Annie back to Daniel, then we can fall back out of this fog. Let's do it quick and clean, boys." As he finished, Nathaniel thought a silent prayer to himself, praying for the safety of the others with him; he was already sure of his own safety, so there was no need to pray for that. He didn't think his future godly self would grant mercy to anyone just because his current mortal form was praying for it, but it couldn't hurt to try.