Making short work of the hunk of meat Rei is soon licking his fingers clean, drying them on the clean parts of the cloth in his lap. Moments later he stiffens, feeling the prince moving to his door. Sliding off the bed and directly into the boots he's made ready earlier that morning he takes only a moment to adjust them on his feet before striding quickly over to the door. [i]'By his speed he does not plan on stopping'[/i] Without a thought he pulls the door open bare moments after the prince passes and almost as if it's the most natural thing in the world he begins trailing a fair distance behind the taller male, the door swinging closed with s small click behind him. His boots are uncomfortably loud to his ears but years of practice walking softly makes his steps nearly silent to the duller human sense of hearing. Despite the wig Rei finds the man before him very recognizable. Something about the way he moves and the way he holds himself screams that he is none other than a prince on the edge. At the bottom of the stairs he spares a glance at the gathered lords and ladies at the other end of the hall. Most do not even seem to notice the prince's passing, but one girl looks to him with a sad expression on her face. Before he looks away he sees her gaze shift and for a brief moment their eyes meet. Rei can not read the expression behind her gaze as he passes along behind the young royal, but something about it causes him to make a note in his head to get to know more about her. [i]'I have the distinct impression she may be related to him'[/i] Unable to confirm his suspicion at the moment, the concentration and time it would take to send out his magic to check would have him falling too far behind his charge. As it is the prince seems intent on not being seen, moving through the area like a shadow behind the servants until at last he moves outside. When he vanishes into the light Rei quickens his pace, the sound of his boots bothering him, but other than the servants already looking after the prince none seem to notice him passing by. Once outside he slows again, not sure how close his ward wants him to be. A few guards on the wall look down at him, but he pays them no mind. Even this early in the morning he can already feel the air warming with the sun, still not very high in the sky. [i]'This will most likely be the extent of my connection to nature for a while, plus the gardens on the grounds. I wonder if a part of me will crave the nature it's grown accustom to'[/i] As they move to the stables Rei takes the opportunity to once more stretch his boots a bit, curling and uncurling his toes with each step. The motion is unnoticeable, and the only difference it makes in his stride is a slightly slowed pace. At the stable door he stops. Even at that distance, all the beasts inside seem to become a little edgy. He watches a large black horse shake off a stable boy trying to get his harness fixed properly. [i]'This may be a good time to tell the prince about how animals feel about me'[/i] Looking over to where the young man is he finds himself curious about his the animal at his hands is acting. The young filly doesn't seem bothered by Rei at all, nickering happily while the Alessandro feeds her an apple. Something like this has happened only a few times in his life. Some animals that are different from most. For some ineffable reason they don't seem to be bothered by him. [i]'If the prince is to ride, I would say that one would be best. There is no telling what would happen if he mounted a horse with me around. At a safe distance they are unaffected, but I would have to travel a little closer than that to do my job properly'[/i] Risking setting off the entire barn Rei moves across the straw strewn floor to the young lord's side. The filly looks to him, shaking her head before reaching out to nibble at his shirt in an effort to find more treats. Around them the other horses begin snorting and stomping, a few kicking out at their stall walls. Raising his voice about the din he looks up at the prince. “Most animals do not like me, so if you are planning on riding today I would ask you use this one. She does not seem to mind me.” As if to further his point she headbutts his arm before chewing on his sleeve a little. He steps carefully back out of her reach before retreating to the stable door once more not wanting to start a stampede.