[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Stefan sits up slowly, his hand going to his neck to clasp the locket his sister gave him. It feels comforting in this strange place, a reminder of why he is here and why he has to do his best. Looking around the room, he notices the burlap pouch near where his head was before. He goes to pick it up, when he feels the sheath of the dagger in his belt. He draws it and looks at it for a moment, examining the blade. His mother had never allowed him near knives or blades of any sword, but his father had let him play with his own knife when she wasn't looking. He had said that Stefan would need to learn how to use one someday, anyhow. It was odd to think that day had come so quickly. At this time, Stefan had no idea whether this was a particularly well crafted blade or not, but it was a knife all the same, so he would use it to the best of his ability and hope that was enough. Returning the dagger to its sheath, he finally picks up the pouch, examining its contents. After reviewing what he had, he places the water skin in the pouch with the rest of the objects, as he didn't want to lose it. He stands to examine the room further, but stops when he notices the staff-like object. He picks it up to examine it, wondering what it is for. [/quote] the staff seems to glow with a faint, light blue light at his touch, the same color of sorceries. he finds a tunnel leading out of the room but the tiles are uneven and there are carvings on the walls and ceilings