Name: Zarkith Zackarian Titles: Master of Arms Age: 32 Alignment: True Neutral Race: Human (Zackarian) Class: Warrior Height: 6'5 Weight: 247 Ib Description: Towering at 6'5 Zarkith is a bear of a man, wide wide shoulders and thickly muscled arms. He possess dirty white hair he keeps cut short (white hair a distinct trait of his linage), with dark grey eyes that almost contrast with his ebony dark skin. His large frame is decorated with numerous battle scars. Keeping a warrior's pragmatism has caused him to keep his hair close-cropped to prevent foes from grabbing it during combat. Personality: Zarkith is a man of action - brave, impulsive and straightforward. He is ambitious, and starves for greater power. He is an inspiring leader, leading his men by example, but always pushing them harder to the point they almost resent him for it. As a man of action, Zarkith is not given to idle chatter or threats; he does what he means to and means what he does. Ill-tempered the blood of the berserker runs strongly in his veins. Abilities: Breed for Perfection- Zarkith possesses incredible strength. He can shatter stone with little difficulty, and often overpowers opponents much larger than himself (300 pounds). His durability and stamina is potent as well, thanks to his mental and physical training. Clan Zack Perfection- Although Zarkith's relies heavily on his great sword, with which he was extremely skilled; he also displays extraordinary physical capabilities. For one, his strength, and stamina are far beyond that of a normal person, to the extent that he can even parry arrows with his sword, with his abilities extending to apparently peak human. Thanks mostly to his fine breeding from his clan, Zarkith was born to reach peak human condition, and even for a Zackarian he is formidable, and possesses an enhanced sense of smell, as potent as a blood hounds, coupled with extraordinary hearing on par with an elephant. Finally Zarkith has the ability to accurately predict the movements of an enemy by observing their muscles, and thus react accordingly. It is assumed however, that this ability could be nullified if the enemy in question were to wear a pressurized suit. Sword Master- Even by Clan Zachery's expectations Zarkith possess preternatural skills with a blade. Zarkith is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword. He is able to wield a sword with great proficiency in, power, and skill, allowing him to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bolts, decimate large objects, and skillfully cutting through hard materials such as ice. He is also able to operate with little effort, delivering skillful strikes to weak points with great precision. He is also an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter, using his greater strength to his advantage. Red Mist- Those within the Clan of Zack possess the curse (or blessing) of the 'blood rage', red mist, or more commonly known as the power of the Berserker. After two turns of prep, in order to enter into the right mind frame, Zarkith can fly into a rage-his muscles bulging, speed and strength doubling along with his own resilience. Feared throughout the realms as nightmarishly violent warriors, the Zackarian are both aided and hampared by the legendary "Red Mist". In the grip of this madness, born from the clan’s pact with their accursed blade, Zarkith becomes seemingly invincible, but is simply merely totally unresponsive to pain. Within the grips of "Red Mist" Zarkith will fight regardless of injury level, to the extent that a user void of all four limbs continue gnashing past brain death until total somatic death. The curse of the Red Mist causes fear or rage shifts from the mental control from the frontal lobes, responsible for reasoning, to the limbic system, responsible for aggression and survival. During that shift, Zackarian and humans exhibit diminished capacity for logic and self-control. In such a state Zarkith relies competently on his natural warrior instinct breed into him from birth. Once it wears off however, (three post), Zarkith becomes extremely exhausted, becoming half as strong and much slower prior the rage, the give and take of Red Mist leaves it as a tool that must be used with great care. Warrior Instinct- Zarkith's training mentally allows his mind and heightened senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down to him, allowing him mere moments to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly. The ability only last for a limited period of time and thus leaves a small window for him to react, and is useless if he does not know of the coming attack. While the senses and mind can follow the attacks, however, his body may not be able to act in time to do anything about it. Equipment: Splitter- He wields a magical great-sword simply called Splitter. Splitter is capable of penetrating nearly any material, thought it needs a great amount of momentum to do so, and it is capable of dispelling magic with a successful hit. Zarkith likes to attend to his sword, having convinced himself that the sword (though not sentient) appreciates it. The hilt and pommel appears in black, with edgings of silver along the guard. It has the overall length of 76.9 inches (6' feet and 4 inches) and weighing roughly 13.0 pounds (5 kg) with a blade width and thickness of 7/32". A large sword but don't let its size fool you, as there is nothing awkward or clumsy about this potent sword. Sure its big and meant to be carried over the shoulder in its scabbard, but it’s extremely well balanced and easily wielded by people of larger stature and physical strength. To protect the hands from opposing weapons, it features a large guard with side rings plus integral parrying hooks that allow the blade to be shortened for close range slashing and stabbing attacks. The handle is made of hardened wood and covered with leather and is extra-long to afford a full two handed grip. Whats more, its capped by a heavy steel pommel that helps counter balance its long blade and serves as an effective weapon in its own right. The Two Handed Great Sword, Splitter is sturdy, and strong. Armor- Zarkith wears a black dyed duergar made vambraces, unlike normal full armor which can be cumbersome, enough-so to slow any warrior down a bit. This duergar made infantry armour offers a solution to that issue too an extent at the cost of protection, though, by equipping a warrior with plenty of core protection, while leaving the legs free to move, and forgoing a helm. The legs possessing simple leather and cloth with little real protection. The armor combines numerous pieces of protection, including pauldrons, and cannons, which ensures that Zarkith's shoulders and upper extremities are all kept safe from harm. Each piece is crafted from 18 gauge reinforced steel, which ensures hardy strength, enough so to withstand the rigors of combat. The pauldrons connect to the armor by leather straps and buckles. The included 'cannons' are, themselves, a combination of a rerebrace, couter, and vambrace, ensuring that the upper and lower arm, as well as the elbow, is kept completely safe. The two final touches come in the form of the tassets, belted onto the front of the breastplate. Short Sword- Zarkith also employs a wickedly sharp, enchanted short sword at his belt for use for close encounters. The sword is approximately 29.25 Inches in overall length.