[quote=PrimezTime] I'll take Jarl of Jutland, or if you want, Danish King. I could play one or the other... or... I could fill both roles. I'm not too familiar with Viking Law, but say the Jarl of Jutland produced no heirs in his life and passed away. The title of Jarl would most likely be given to to the Danish King (according to Medieval standards) until the King deems a new Jarl. This could give the character Svana and several other Huscarls a chance to move up in the world. Just an idea, however. [/quote] Uhm, either one is fine. Holy fuck, guys. Being a day laborer in a little state called Arizona sucks a donkey's dry asshole let me be the first to tell you. At any rate, hopefully i'll be able to have a clear mind on the weekend and start this up.