Our Plan! I was thinking that Heaven's prison will be made of white mable like stuff, the light bouncing off the walls rather painful for the demon since he's use to more mild light, and normally travels earth at night. The starting point would be some time fater, say, the fifth interrogation and your guy will have been newly assigned to the prison block. Maybe even as a punishment for something, but that's up to you of course. I think that after six or seven encounters your guy would have enough doubts to send the guards away, giving us pleant of time in the prison without draggin out too long. We can talk more about the exile some time later, but I was thinking a country setting. Maybe with a farm near a forest or something :P ---- I too was thinking of the pure white stone and such. Not so much fluffly clouds- although I may add a fluffy cloud here or there. And that does give me an idea as to why my guy would be assigned to the son of Satan. And having the intro is good. I agree. And the country setting when he gets exiled right? ---- Since angels are nutorious for never doing hard labor unless you're a warrior angel y'know :P --- ~~~Anywhoo~~~ It'll start off as a faded white, light gray color and he loses his glow, halo, annd pretty much everything except his wings. --- I'd say and almost hand of god type thing where some head honcho angel does that epic speech then throwing him to the earth with a blast of energy. He survives the fall, but leaves a mark in the ground where he strikes, and that makes him an official Fallen Angel. Oh, and also, maybe a mark(Something kool looking) on his face or something, a place he can't hide it, to make him for other angels and for demons. The fall would activate the slow stripping of his powers, and there would be an angel or a holy person down on the planet to show him to his new "Home". maybe explain a few things. WHat cha think? --- ... ..... Perfect! That gives me plenty of ideas for a post that has yet to come! I must think of an epic speech too... --- I was thinking of maybe, a two day trial type thing, so the stuff on earth can be prepared, so you don't have to make some epicly uber long post starting from when I escape heaven to when you are thrown to earth, sound good?