[u]Name[/u] Grant Anders - [The] Suit (colloquial), [u]Age[/u] 35 [u]Gender/Sexuality[/u] Male / Heterosexual [u]Main Skill[/u] Business/Negotiations [u]Secondary Skills[/u] Marksmanship Computer Programming (Javan -> Java successor) [u]Quirk[/u] Learns very quickly, and adapts rapidly. He makes deadpan jokes, and then acts almost disappointed when nobody responds or understands. Strangely idealistic for a crime boss, and friendly, too. [u]Oddity[/u] Emotion. Fury in particular. Cold fury, never hot. The offhand sarcastic comment from Grant can be seething with anger. If someone were to make him vengeful, they would be unable to tell, and his lack of emotion is unsettling. If he realizes he is being emotionless, he fixes it (subconsciously), but in general he just...doesn't realize that he's not reacting properly to situations. [u]Flaw[/u] White-collar warlord. Grant has no real skill in close combat fighting, and although he is in shape, he's easily outstripped by anyone who moves around the city on a regular basis. [u]Secret Weapon[/u] Runs a criminal empire from the 120th floor during the quiet hours of the night. Complete with his own personal military force, massive amounts of income, and a private "disposal" ground for those who anger or fail him. There's also a personalized satellite strike-drone in orbit over the city: ties in with the disposal zone. [u]Goal in Life (meta)[/u] To fix the corrupt system of leadership as he sees it. Grant believes the Metropolis is run by individuals who don't care about the common man and are driving the place into the ground, metaphorically speaking. [u]Goal in Life (immediate)[/u] Prevent his Mafia's gang leaders from usurping his authority/Become closer to the actual authority of the Metropolis. [u]Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Win[/u] Grant has a large empire and a massive set of resources under his command, both legally and illegally. If he plays his cards right, he could get all he ever wanted. [u]Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Fail[/u] If he plays his cards wrong, he'll be caught, sentenced to death, and then likely tortured for information before being killed. His entire underground operation isn't legal in the slightest. [u]Theme songs[/u] [youtube]jyqWjl7GkCE[/youtube] [u]Description (art or words fine, but I prefer lots of both)[/u] [hider=Picture][img]http://i.imgur.com/9OY6cUC.png[/img][/hider] [url=http://im.rediff.com/getahead/2012/mar/06beard1.jpg]Alternate 1[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/XfwoF.jpg]Alternate 2[/url] Almost always wears a clean, pressed suit, hence his nickname. However, these suits are generally worn often, and therefore broken in. They don't hinder movement, and the shoulders aren't padded. His face is either clean shaven or five-o-clock shadowed. His body isn't superbly buff or muscular, and generally there isn't any real definition unless he flexes his muscles. [u]Equipment[/u] [b]the Forward-Thinking Leader Collective[/b] (FTL™) -FTL is Grant's business. Funding all sorts of advanced scientific and engineering technologies, this company is known for producing the stuffs that other companies take and adapt for their products. Alternate fuel sources, grand-scale teleporting, mileHacking...you've heard of their tech. This alone brings Grant a cool sum of money, but FTL also funds experimental drugs and business deals that would be...frowned upon. By night, FTL is a major player in the Metropolis mid-levels Mafia scene. [b]Personal Deflection Assistant[/b] (PDA™) -A funny little device, the PDA clips on to the belt, and, when active, emits a bulletproof, vapor-proof, just-about-everything-proof energy shield. Skin tight, completely invisible. Even your worst, most psychotic lover was never this ever-present. Manufactured by [b]FTL™[/b]. [b]The Monitor[/b] (TM™) -Excellent for all your business needs. A microthin contact lens which continuously delivers all the information you'll ever need to have the edge on your competition. Stock fluctuations, heart rates, sweat production. TM™ makes you a master liar and lie-detector with no extra training needed. Technology manufactured by [b]FTL™[/b]. [u]Generic Equipment[/u] Basic, disposable, gas-powered handgun. For self defense Wallet, latest FTL-designed Cell, FTL-brand headphones, etc. [u]Short Bio[/u] Grant never really knew when he decided to: A) become a crime lord, or B) save Metropolis from itself. He grew up in a loving middle class family, went to school, got his education. then he graduated, and just...decided that the city had too many troubles. Long stints on the internet, and personal experience contributed to that. After that, it was fairly simple to pull his considerable intellect and multiple connections together to build up FTL. Now he sits on his technothrone, looking out to the future. Of course, he goes out and about, as well, but keeps his real identity hidden. These clandestine trips have led to him being named "the Suit", as that's all he's ever seen in, and few get close enough to him during brief meetings to learn more than that.