[hider=Zayum][IMG]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/328/5/1/la_bean_sidhe_by_ellieinthesky-d6vg4h9.jpg[/IMG] Name: Caiomhe Keiri O'Dair Pronounced Kee-Va Kee-Ree Oh Dare Species: Banshee Gender: Female Age: (include how old you appear as well) Despite Caiomhe's own words, its known that she's well over her 20 year old appearance. She's actually one hundred and seventy four years old. Occupation: Bar Singer Personality: Caiomhe is a vain individual, and takes pride in nearly everything she does, whether its good or bad. Her pride knowns almost no bounds. Its a very rare occurence when she reveres someone higher up than her. Despite this, she does have her 'trashy' moments. Caoimhe loves drinking and having a good time; that gives her a tendency to push things a bit too far and let things get out of control. She's known to be lively and vibrant, to some people's annoyance at times. Flirty and outgoing, she's very charismatic, but she also comes off as brash and rude as well since she says whatever is on her mind. Bio: Born in 1840, Caiomhe was the daughter of a quiet Irish farming couple. With five brothers and two sisters, Caiomhe was just the average little girl. She had a normal childhood, playing on the countryside and helping out around the house. Her mother would always hum and sing around the house, whether she was cooking, cleaning, or just sewing. Caoimhe soon picked up the same habit after finding a comfort in it. As she grew, a passion for music grew with her. It wasn't long till she began to pursue singing more seriously. She decided it was the one thing to set her apart from everyone else, but with the famine of the 1850's, things soon changed. With no money to support themselves, her parents had to pull together scraps and tie some loose ends to manage the money to leave. They saw no hope left for them in their homeland. A teary Caiomhe said goodbye to the only place she'd known and set sail to England with her mother and oldest brother Edward. Caiomhe had a hard time adjusting to her new home, finding no solace in the big bustling city. She missed the quiet countryside and green rolling hills. Edward become a carpenter's apprentice and her mother became a maid for a wealthy english family. Making Caiomhe the only one home a majority of the time. Despite this, she occupied herself with singing and cleaning up the house or doing extra schoolwork. Her youth passed, and at the asfge of 18, she was joined by another one of her brothers and her younger sister. With them, they brought news of her father's recent passing. Her mother took it harder than anyone, and fell into a dark depression. It wasn't long before she passed too. Caiomhe moved on with life, hoping to leave death behind her. She came along a job as a pub entertainer, and found a place where she could use her voice for some benefit. It wasn't long before she met the man of her dreams. Alexanderé was everythingb she wanted. They married soon enough, and at the age of twenty, she became pregnant. Despite this, Alexanderé and Caoimhe both decided that they wanted to come to the United States Of America. On the shipride, Caoimhe fell ill. She managed to last the rest of the journey with her child still though. In the new New York, they hoped things would become even better. In December, Caoimhe went into labor. Sadly, she died giving birth. The baby, named after her mother, survived. Caoimhe was reborn , a banshee. Confused, scared, and alone, all she could do was wandered. After awhile, she managed to piece it together. It made her bitter and angry for sometime, and the person she once was before died along with her human form. It took many years before she become less cold and hard although she stayed detatched from emotions for the most part. It didn't take much longer till she managed to find her way to Gravetown, becoming a resident of Foggy Lake. The solitude of it soothed her, but eventually she grew bored. So she took up residency in Mortem Park. Stuff you often carry: (pretty much your inventory) ♦ An ivory comb, with the names Caoimhe and Alexanderé carved in. ♦ A small black clutch purse ♦ Pomegranate cough drops Type of magic, if any : Some basic water magic, nothing major. She can manipulate it and change its temperature. Anything else? The smell of vanilla caramel lattes are the best. c: Her past is a very sensitive topic for her. She'll murder anyone for her comb. The image is only her primary appearance, and her eyes are normally a light almost white grey. [/hider] So I wasn't sure how you wanted the banshees to be created and I went with a myth on the wikipedia..Sorry if its a bit too much with the history.