Hope it's okay that i recycled a character... [hider=Rainer] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/124wlyr.png[/IMG] Name: Rainer Spade Age: 17 Gender: Male Hometown: Oreburgh City How would you describe yourself? I've been told I have a Napoleon complex. I don't. Just cause I'm short, doesn't mean I'm always trying to make up for it. Yeah, I'm loud. Yeah, I'm confident. Why wouldn't I be? I know I can do anything 'cause I got the brains and the discipline. This world is mine for the taking, but if you're willing to fight as hard as I do, I'm willing to share. I'm a friendly and social guy, though there's those people put off by my confidence, or "cockiness." Their loss, I guess. I love to laugh and and it doesn't take much to get me going. Why do you want to be a ranger? I traveled with my older brother for a while. Saw the life of a normal trainer. I love Pokemon, but come on. All they do is battle each other. The majority of these trainers can't even appreciate what they could do with their Pokemon's power if they applied it to something. And those who do typically end up misusing it. Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt? Hurt, let's take down some bad guys. Do you have any Special Skills? Besides my skill with ladies you mean? Well I can usually stay calm in tense situations. I'm a great bluffer and can pull off the most outrageous of lies without a hint of doubt. What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why? I've always had a thing for electric Pokemon. With a couple exceptions, they always seem so full of life. It's crazy that electricity is just a part of their biology. Anything else we need to know about you? I'm not very good with computers and stuff like that. It's not even that I can't use them. I can deal just fine with them... they just seem to stop working on me a lot. [/hider]