Kasim has been remade in the new system. History is basically the same, just took out some references to old system traits and replaced them with stuff to explain these new traits. Also toned down that thing I had about him having a cruel streak he liked to indulge in, because I decided later that that actually didn't fit as it was. Same basics for everything else though. [hider=Kasim Amibilus][center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kasim Amibilus. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/skcEg5k.png[/img] Image borrowed from [url=http://showmeyourmoves.deviantart.com/art/Archer-300594191]showmeyourmoves on deviantart[/url]. [b]Homeland:[/b] The Goblin Holds [b]History:[/b] Kasim was once a slave in the city of Kinghold, set free by the goblins when they conquered the city. He was either born into slavery or taken at a very young age, for he knew nothing but servitude in the time before the goblins came and he never knew his parents or land of origin. He was owned by an aging merchant woman who was fairly kind as far as slave owners went, only rarely ordering whippings and being frugal enough to feel that working a slave to death was a waste, but Kasim could never work his way around to being happy about his lot in life. The merchant woman mainly used him for simple manual labor, hauling heavy crates of goods to load up her wagons, but once she realized that his strange statements about other people originated from a rare telepathic talent she wisely put his skill to use: she had him serve food and drinks during business meetings at her estate, just happening to make fleeting skin to skin contact to read the surface thoughts of her guests and then discreetly relaying that information to her. She kept his talent a secret of necessity, for if other merchants found that she was using a telepath in such a conniving way she would lose all trust and trade agreements, and perhaps her life. As Kasim grew older she started to take the young man (though he could have accurately been called a boy when it started) into her bed to fill the void left by the passing of her favorite bed slave. He didn't really fight against this, and definitely enjoyed it on a carnal level, but he had enough presence of mind to be disgusted by the knowledge that he was being used like an object. Vague stirrings of wishing for freedom, and hatred for his owner, swirled around his mind without being given any critical examination for years. The minor seeds of rebellion in Kasim's mind finally and suddenly sprouted when he was 15, when the goblin Xixis Madheart's surprise attack on Kinghold sent the guards from the merchant's estate running off toward the newly made hole in the wall around the city. With the merchant woman left with nobody but her slaves to guard her, Kasim found himself drawn to the then deserted guard quarters; time blurred as if he was in a dream, and the next thing he was aware of was a bow and a few arrows clutched in his hands. He'd always been fascinated by bows, but this was the first time he ever held one. Kasim took the weapon inside the main building of the estate, up into the merchant woman's bedchamber, and found her hiding under the covers like a child. She looked hopeful for a moment, as if the slave come to protect her, but that notion was soon dismissed as he raised the bow and inexpertly nocked an arrow. It took him three of the four arrows he'd brought before he finally hit his target from a distance of no more than ten feet, during which time she sat there frozen; when the arrow struck her in the gut she finally screamed and writhed in pain, and the frozen state seemed to transfer to Kasim. He stood there for a few minutes, shocked at his own actions, before dropping the bow and walking forward. When he reached the bed the merchant woman flailed at him, screaming for him to get away from her. Upon her hand touching his arm, his telepathy gave him a flash of her thoughts: she thought of him as a traitorous wretch, scum who she had always known would betray her, a spray of mental vitriol that rocked Kasim to his core. He had only a moment of hesitation before using the last arrow gripped in his left hand to stab the woman to death. When a troop of goblins made their way around to check the estate they found Kasim sitting with his back to the wall beside the open gates, his arms and torso caked in dried blood. When they inquired and learned that he had killed the slaver merchant and set the other slaves free, they congratulated him and told him to come celebrate his liberation with them. A night of drinking and revelry later, Kasim was initiated into the army of the Xixis Madheart alongside many other freed slaves who wished to aid their fight against the Free Holds. He stayed with them for three years, learning the way of the bow from Morilab, an orc who wielded a massive greatbow that Kasim struggled to lift using both hands. The orc's style of strength being equal to finesse in archery was picked up eagerly by the young man, who was fairly strong after a lifetime of hauling crates and loading wagons. He also learned a lot about thrown weapons, with a preference for knives, and a little about using a sword from the various goblins he befriended. Over the course of the many battles he fought as part of Emperor Xixis Madheart's army, Kasim learned how to dodge and weave to stay alive and how to spot a weakness. Lots of gambling taught him the basics of spotting a liar. After a couple years using a handed down bow, Morilab taught Kasim how to make one of his own, and so he made a heavy yew greatbow with some bits of metal added on to make it a serviceable melee weapon in a pinch; that was another trick handed down from his orc mentor, which he found rather useful at times. Kasim parted ways with his abolitionist compatriots due to a simple realization: he'd never seen the world outside the desert lands of the Holds, and he very much wished to. He had heard of the world from campfire stories, tales of adventures and heroes round the world, but he'd never seen such things for himself. He traveled to the city of Tuleria, where he stayed for a couple years and at the age of 18 (shortly after he first arrived) discovered that women tended to find him attractive, and that he was fairly skilled at convincing them to join him for an evening of entertainment (which was a large reason why he stayed so long despite his aspirations to see the world). His time spent in Tuleria was a period of self-discovery in many ways: he found that he had a great capacity for cruelty, which he tried to suppress and bury because it frightened him; he discovered in himself a strong affinity for the weak and downtrodden of all sorts, ranging from the poor and sickly to the criminal elements of the city; he quickly picked up on the fact that these same people placed an inordinate amount of trust in him, that they seemed to view him as some kind of natural kin even without knowing his story. Long story short, Kasim ended up working for a gang of sorts that extorted money from merchants of middling wealth through threats of violence, as well as engaging in a variety of other illegal activities for profit and entertainment; Kasim specialized in using of his telepathic skill (which he kept secret from others) on carefully selected and subdued targets to gather information, which he then sold off to whoever he felt would pay the most, and once in a while he also telepathically tortured these poor bastards to let out his pent up urges to harm others. He pulled up stakes and left Tuleria after an extortion scheme went sour thanks to a trap set by the city guard, which was set up when the merchant target begged for their help, which Kasim only escaped thanks to being one of the men on lookout. Over the course of the following five years, Kasim made his way from city to city, hiring on as a guard for merchant caravans and one ship to travel and climbing easily and familiarly into the underbelly of the cities he spent extended time in. His wandering took him back for a brief stay in the Goblin Holds (which he thinks of as his homeland) when he was 21, thenafter a short stay he headed to Port Luclin where he took a ship down to Liveria, then up into the lands that were once a unified Rheinfeld, from Veldhausen to Heiligen Stuhl before he finally headed south into Renalta at the age of 23. He found the city to be quite interesting in its differences from other places he'd visited, somehow managing to be crowded and bristling with racial tensions but remaining peaceful and quaint in its own way. Despite this genial atmosphere, Kasim quickly found his particular talents to be of lucrative use in the nebulous and volatile criminal element in the city of Renalta, which was mainly made up of smuggling operations and territorial spats between various factions that still hadn't found a comfortable balance after the massive influx of refugees. Very recently Kasim was caught using his telepathy in very unscrupulous ways. Due to the laws being hazy about the legality of such things, and the inability of the authorities to pin any clearly illegal activities on him, they were forced to let him go with a stern warning. Some members of the Queen's Blade heard of his relatively rare talent, did a little bit of snooping to scope him out, and approached with an offer to join. Their pitch was convincing, for Kasim had been growing tired of remaining sedentary and his particular sense of justice places demons in the same hateful category as slavers. [b]Motivation:[/b] Kasim has a grand sense of adventure and wishes to see more of the world, from tiny villages to grand cities and all that lies between. He also has a firm hatred of demons and their ilk, so if he can work against them and also go on adventures, it's a win-win as far as he's concerned. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] [b]Sharp:[/b] You’ve started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm’s way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.) [b]--Investigator (Rank 2):[/b] Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).) [b]Slippery:[/b] You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You’ve decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you’re still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.) [b]Acrobatic:[/b] You understand the basics of climbing ropes, ascending walls, jumping across rooftops, and rolling when you hit the ground. On the other hand, you’ve only really grasped the basics of it, so jumping a twenty foot chasm while being shot at is not recommended. (Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.) [b]Heavy Hitter:[/b] Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you’ve decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you’re still working on that “consistent” part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.) [b]Unique Traits[/b] [b]Non-Magic Telepathy:[/b] Kasim is one of the rare individuals who was born with telepathic powers. The most basic use of this allows him to communicate telepathically with others over short distances (or at a greater distance with other telepaths). He can also read surface thoughts of those he makes skin to skin contact with, or with prolonged contact he can dig for deeper thoughts and pry out their secrets. This process is rather uncomfortable for both Kasim and the one whose thoughts are being read. With this mental mining, Kasim can mentally harm and torture people and leave behind horrible nightmarish thoughts, and this can be done to the point of leaving them a drooling vegetable (if given enough time with someone with a weak enough mind). Those with strong minds are less affected by and better able to resist all uses of telepathy. Since it is a biological phenomenon rather than a magical one, use of telepathy cannot be sensed by those trained in sniffing out mages. [b]Subliminal Messages (Rank 2):[/b] Through a lifetime of use, Kasim subconsciously developed a less blatant use of his telepathic abilities. He has refined his telepathic skill to send out subliminal messages to those he feels a level of kinship with, urging them to like him and help him with whatever his goals may be at the time. Anyone who Kasim views as weak, downtrodden, oppressed, or part of the lower dregs of society will find themselves very much inclined to help him in any way they're able; furthermore, this subconscious communication also comes into play with people who Kasim has had prolonged contact with, once he starts to view them as friends and companions and the like. This effect cannot coerce people into doing anything that goes against their morals or beliefs, since it's just an urge to help rather than some kind of mind control. [b]King Braggart:[/b] Kasim has developed his bragging and bravado into something approaching an art form. His bold declarations of skill can get under the skin of even the most stalwart opponents, his abrasive confidence can assure the fearful masses of their safety even as the city burns down around them, and his tales of his own prowess on the field of battle have a way of making women (and some men) fall head over heels in lust with him. Or at least that's how he'd describe his own bragging powers, which makes for something of an infinite recursion loop of braggadocio. Kasim is a swell guy like that. (Mechanically it's just bonuses to social things whenever he brags or talks about how great he is when trying to taunt, coerce, inspire, flirt, etc.) [b]Achievements[/b] [i]Purple Ribbon:[/i] You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.) [i]Lucky Ego:[/i] You don't care about the odds, you know you see an opportunity, and things line up just the right way to make it happen so you can justify being a braggart... (Minor bonus to spotting opportunities, such as weaknesses in enemies, or holes in the walls, etc.) [b]Equipment List[/b] Self-made Yew Greatbow - Rather heavy, has some metal plates for emergency protective and offensive purposes in melee range. Various bow-related equipment - Quiver full of arrows (holds 30), a bundle of 30 extra arrows in his pack, extra strings, wax to keep the string dry, so on and so forth. 1 shortsword 6 throwing knives 1 knife not meant for throwing Light leather armor Other boring stuff like food and water [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Sure, romance is fine as long as it's not forced nonsense. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Yup. [b]Signature:[/b] Jorick hereby agrees to all rules and regulations, and he gets style points for signing in the third person.[/hider] And here's a new one for a second character. [hider=Zinnarath Corsys][center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Zinnarath Corsys, goes by Zin [b]Age:[/b] 43, though appears mid-20's due to the perks of vampirism. [b]Race:[/b] Vampire of the human variety. [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/npdz4kJ.png[/img] Minus the weird red bits of hair. Image borrowed from [url=http://silkspinner.deviantart.com/art/Lady-in-Red-171034777]Silkspinner on deviantart[/url]. [b]Homeland[/b]: Kingdom of Liveria [b]History:[/b] Zin was born to a very wealthy merchant family, the eldest daughter and second of three children. Torwen and Leilinna Corsys were devoutly religious and horribly xenophobic people and they attempted to instill those beliefs and values in their children, but they only succeded with their eldest child and only son, Alesander. From the time Zin was old enough to form her own opinions, she had seen far too much of the negative impacts of the gods to be able to place her faith in them and far too much good in the people outside of Liveria to see them as evil threats. Her younger sister, Allyria, was simply a rebel at heart and fought against anything authority figures of any kind tried to push her toward. Luckily the education of the Corsys children was not solely religious and xenophobic, and Zin learned quite a bit about the merchant business and all it entailed as she grew up. Despite her initial apathy toward them, some pieces of the beliefs espoused by her elders managed to make an impression on Zin, though not at all in the way they would have liked. Their religion preached the standards of a glorious afterlife for the faithful and suffering for heretics, and Zin's parents were very fond of using this concept plus the notion of dying without being redeemed to try to control her with fear. She was indeed affected by fear, but not the fear of death without salvation: she feared death itself. In her mind the promises of an afterlife were a sham, there was nothing to come after death, it was just a cessation of life and nothing more, but she grew to be terrified of the idea of dying nonetheless. Most young people thought themselves invincible, but was Zin utterly aware of the frailty of mortality from her young teen years and onward. A sort of benefit of this abiding fear came in the form of Zin's peculiar outlook on life: since everyone only had their one life, life itself was precious and should be made as joyous as possible before it is ended, thus harming others in any way was a grave evil. She resolved early on to never hurt anyone, and eventually became such a pacifist that she would flee from threats to her life unless absolutely and assuredly cornered with no other way out but to fight. As the daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Zin was taught the ways of ladylike behavior and was a frequent attendee of various social functions held by the wealthy and noble classes of Liveria. She was presented to the city as an eligible maiden from the time she was old enough to marry, but suitors tended to lose their interest in her as they learned of her markedly un-Liverian beliefs, and so she made it into her adulthood without becoming somebody's wife. This plus the common knowledge that Allyria Corsys had left home to go "adventuring" with a sleazy cargo ship captain made Zin something of a conversation piece at social gatherings. During one such dinner party when she was 24 years old, near the end of the affair, Zin wandered out into the host's garden to escape the whispering and found a woman frantically waving her hands in front of her face and staring into the water of a fountain. Upon investigating this curious sight, Zin discovered that the woman, who was a merchant and a common sight at social gatherings, had the silver eyes of a vampire. The woman panicked when she noticed Zin and turned to run, but the girl told her it was okay and that she wouldn't tell anyone what she had seen. The relieved vampire managed to use illusion magic to alter her eye color as she sat and spoke with Zin, and she seemed rather pleased to have found someone in Liveria who didn't lust after the blood of her kind. They became fast friends and had further conversations frequently over the next few months. Eventually, after Zin had learned of the nigh immortality of vampires and their ability to feed on non-human blood to survive, she asked her friend to share this gift and turn her into a vampire as well. It took a lot of convincing, and the woman demanded she learn the basics of illusion magic (which Zin turned out to have a natural gift for) for the purpose of disguise before she would even consider it, but eventually she gave in. All seemed well and good for a month or so after that, but then the woman's illusion powers failed her at an unfortunate time and the Liverian Witch Hunters found her and murdered her. While grieving her friend's death, Zin forgot to disguise her eyes one day and her parents saw her silver eyes. Though they were horrid bigots they loved their daughter and did not want to see her killed, so they instead forced her into something of an exile for her own good, though they made it clear they very much disapproved of her life choices and that she shouldn't expect anything in the way of support or inheritance. Zin left Liveria with a mixed bag of emotions-sadness both fresh and lingering from her parents's words and the death of her friend, exitement over the prospect of seeing what the world outside Liveria was really like-and headed west. She eventually came upon a small town called Brecken and was accosted by bandits. They were strange bandits though, in that they demanded a specific amount of money from her and did not threaten her. She paid them and asked about the strange theft and was met with outrage; it was not theft, they said, it was the traveler's toll that the town had agreed upon and written into law. This intrigued Zin and she decided to stay a while and learn more. As it turned out, the town of Brecken was run by a group that outsiders called bandits, but the residents seemed to have no issues with them. They did indeed have a law that said travelers must pay a fee to use their lands, and a greater toll for merchants moving through the area, with greater monetary penalties for refusal to comply, which sometimes demanded that they take the money or goods by force; these fees being levied was viewed as banditry by nearby villages, somewhat understandably. Zin learned that there were many such places in the land of Renalta where there was no central authority to keep things in order, towns and villages run by bandits and raiders of all kinds, though the Brecken group was one of the few benevolent bandits to have taken over a settlement. Zin settled in and lived there for nearly a decade, and she learned that the people of the town largely didn't care that she was a vampire; they provided her with cattle blood when she needed to replenish herself from using her vampiric powers, which was not very often. She went out with toll collectors oftentimes to help cool down situations before they turned violent, and she learned a great deal about the art of stealth in these outings. This peaceful life was interrupted by the banishment of the gods and ressurection of the Kingdom of Renalta. The bandits were non-violently removed from power by the Renaltan forces that moved out to secure their lands. Many of the people of Brecken moved closer to or into the revived city itself, and things simply were not the same in the town after that. Zin held no ill will for Renalta over these changes, not even when she returned to Liveria briefly and learned that her brother had died resising their efforts to banish the gods. Her parents had grown mildly less hateful since their last time speaking to Zin and informed her that due to the death of their only good child (Allyria had by then gotten up to all sorts of behavior that was even more shameful to their parents than being a vampire) she would by law be their heir, but that she should still get lost for her own good and shouldn't expect so much as bit of copper until they were dead in the ground. Zin took their advice and left once more, this time heading north. She moved around Rheinfeld for a while, staying in the Republic area rather than risking run ins with templars, though that turned out to not be enough of a precaution. After having to flee for her life from some men who discovered that she was a vampire, Zin headed south to the city of Renalta. There she found the people even more accepting of her vampirism than the people of Brecken had been, and so she settled into the bustling city. She acquired work helping a minor merchant, a fellow named Corval; it started with bookkeeping to begin with, but that soon enough turned into her becoming a partner in the venture as she remembered what she was taught about the business as a young woman. This kept Zin more or less occupied for the past half a dozen years, and in that time she helped the business grow from a struggling one man startup with no focus to a moderately profitable textiles trading operation with a dozen employees. Corval and some of his employees willingly donated blood for her to drink when she needed it after using her vampire abilities, though it took them a long while to convince her that it was better for her than cow blood and that they were doing it because they cared. One of Zin's hobbies in this time was sneaking around the city to keep her skills sharp, and eventually she started breaking into buildings just for the thrill of it; she never stole any belongings, but sometimes she read through papers lying on desks and one time even found something that was of minor help to her day job and was thus able to somewhat justify her nefarious nightly activities. About a year ago Zin caught the eye of a mage knowledgeable in the powers of Illusion, and he just so happened to be a member of the Queen's Blades. The mage noticed her casting an illusion to change her eye color and struck up a conversation in which he learned that she only knew very basic appearance altering spells. The mage took a liking to her and taught her something new and more complex, and she was able to pick it up perfectly after just a few times struggling to cast it. With further testing over the following months, he found this to be the case with any illusion spell she could manage to cast in the first place, though some spells eluded her due to their complexity and she was absolute garbage with other kinds of magic. After a little consultation with other mages, he declared that she was a savant of illusion magic and asked her to join the Queen's Blades; after hearing of their noble cause, and being assured that they weren't just a military group, Zin joined without a second thought. [b]Motivation:[/b] Zin doesn't like the idea of demons taking over the world and killing everyone. Though she abhors the idea of actually fighting these threats directly, she is determined to do whatever she can to stop them. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] [b]Apprentice:[/b] Combined with Raw Talent, you’ve learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage’s Guild, you’ve focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it’s only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.) -- [u]Illusion magic[/u] --[b]Wizened (Rank 2):[/b] Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.) -- [u]Healing magic[/u] [b]Raw Talent:[/b] After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.) [b]Awakened Meditation:[/b] Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.) [b]Stealthy:[/b] Every journey begins somewhere for the avid stealth expert, and yours is about on par with that of a cut-purse or a minor bugler. You have the basics down, but to learn more will take time and practice. (Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.) [b]Unique Traits[/b] [b]Vampire of Diana's Brood:[/b] Vampirism makes a person immortal, in a cruse sense, and causes their eyes to turn silver (among other possible changes). Diana's brood is subtle and cunning, they are injured by sunlight and killed by it within minutes of exposure, and cannot heal in sunlight either, though clothing which covers their skin, interiors of buildings, or shadows cast by large objects can protect them from sunlight. They wield potent mind control and illusion powers to remain out of sight to all but those they wish. (description ripped from Brovo's explanation of Diana's Brood in original LoR 2's traits stuff) --[b]Vampire of Diana's Brood (Rank 2):[/b] The next stage of Vampirism grants this character a greater sphere of influence over others: Hypnotic eyes. Yes, that classic vampire power, that allows you to entrance victims into willing servitude. There are limitations, but you will have to figure them out. The only thing you know thus far about it is it, like all vampire powers, does cost you blood to use it. (Your character's body consumes blood and expends it to fuel powers.) [b]Illusion Savant:[/b] Zin has firm the potential to become a master of illusion, though she currently suffers from a lack of training. She was until very recently unaware of her own gift in this area and mainly used appearance altering illusion magic on herself, as that was the only magic she knew and she did not have any reason to seek out more knowledge. As it turns out, she is so naturally gifted with the powers of illusion that she need only successfully cast an illusion spell a few of times to learn it so thoroughly that she is able to cast it perfectly every single time when experiencing little or no distraction, and she is much less affected by moderate or severe distractions than a normal mage would be when casting these familiar spells. Zin's speed of casting and the toll such efforts take on her body are unaffected by her affinity for illusion. [b]Entry Artist:[/b] Being an escape artist is all well and good, but getting into locked and secured places is far more fun and potentially more rewarding. Zin has a knack for getting into such places, be they buildings or safes or small locked containers or anything else that is clearly meant to keep people out. She is quite good at spotting exploitable weaknesses like unlocked windows or rusty hinges or holes in a guard perimeter, and she's also very skilled at lockpicking and even breaking locks open while leaving the rest of the mechanism in working order when push comes to shove. She tries her best to keep quiet and unnoticed when sneaking into places or opening locks, and she's had a lot of practice at that too, but it's never a sure thing. (Mechanically it's bonuses to getting into secured places and lockpicking and such, also minor stealth bonus only when she's doing the aforementioned breaking and/or entering). [b]Achievements[/b] [i]Inspirational Speaker:[/i] You've convinced NPC's to do something for you, and as such, you've figured out that talking is sometimes superior to just genocidally killing everything. Neat! (Minor bonus to convincing NPC's to do as you wish.) [i]Bullshit Detector:[/i] "That is not a Ghost! That is an illusion! Also, God is dead, Santa Claus isn't real, the tooth fairy is actually a pedophile, and keep your children away from candy dealers!" Needless to say, you have an uncanny ability to tell when a con artist is performing their trade. (Minor bonus to detecting lies and illusions.) [b]Equipment List[/b] Basic set of lockpicks and other burglary implements 1 knife used for cutting food and such A book on basic Illusion magic A book on basic Healing magic Other boring stuff like food and water [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Romance is cool as long as it makes sense given previous character interaction and such. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Yup. [b]Signature:[/b] I, Jorick, hereby agree to abide by the rules and not complain like a little bitch should I do somethign stupid and get my character killed.[/hider]