Thailen Vicarris, the Red Zealot [center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Thailen Vicarris [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Link for style[/url] (Art by Jason Chan, copyright Wizards of the Coast) [b]Homeland:[/b] Kingdom of Liveria [b]History:[/b] Before the fall of the Third Age, the noble Vicarris family of Renalta gave birth to a girl, with hair as strikingly red as her father's; and his father's before him, back for uncounted generations. She was raised to follow the religious principles of the twin Gods Erri and Inmi. Principles of devotion, duty, and strength in the face of uncertainty. She followed the scripture as diligently as her parents demanded, and then some. Her family ruled with an unmoving sense of responsibility, and combined with a strong intuition for the fiscal, slowly gained in power and influence. That is, until Queen Kouri banished the Gods from the mortal realm and founded the Kingdom of Renalta. With the prospect of serving under a blasphemous Queen in contrast to their previous freedom, the Vicarris's made for Liveria. With Erri and Inmi now lost, they vowed to keep the scripture and values that they followed alive in the new age, and began to follow them even more strictly than ever before. They were able to instate themselves as nobles once more in Liveria using thier previous fortunes and influence, but were unable to achieve the same level of power that they used to hold. They were mocked for their continued worship, seen as outsiders, and were often accused of being Renalta loyalists. Angered by the shame and distrust poured onto her family, Thailen began to train in the ways of battle and leadership, seeking an outlet for her frustation. She lashed out at those who denounced the Gods, and distrusted other races, who she saw as mockeries of the images and intentions of Erri and Inmi. So when word reached the family of a band of tiefling bandits on their land, she was the first to draw her sword and lead a group of soldiers to deal with the criminals. She and her men spent weeks searching for them, until one night Thailen was struck by a strange intuition. A feeling that compelled her to head West. Within hours, she came across the tiefling camp, and waded into battle. Neither she nor her soldiers dealt in mercy that night. Afterwards, she removed the tails from several of the corpses and had them made into a cat o'nine tails, which has been her weapon of choice ever since. [b]Motivation:[/b] Raised from birth to follow the virtues of duty, she believes that those who still follow the path of the Gods should fight in their absence; even if it means serving under the Queen that banished them in the first place. [center][b]Stats & Traits[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] --Adrenaline --Charger --Rapid Blows [b]Unique Traits[/b] --[i]A Devil's Tail: [/i]Her cat o'nine tails is crafted from the tails of recently slain tieflings. The blood of demons imbues the whip, causing it to radiate a ferocious heat that can sear flesh. --[i]A Fel Heritage:[/i] Unbeknowest to Thailen, the blood of demon's and tieflings flows through her veins. It is the source of her red hair and fierce temper, but it also gives her a natural sixth sense for things demonic. Such as sensing when they are close, and tracking them even if no normal tracks are left. [b]Equipment List[/b] --Leather armour --A longsword --A cat o'nine tails crafted from tiefling tails --Noble's clothing --Prayer beads [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Opt-in [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Exist? [b]Signature:[/b] Herzinth