[quote=CirusArvennicus] I've got her life as a trainer roughly sketched out. Her old life, I guess you might say. If you want, I could write that up and send it to you. [/quote] Alright, I reread it and it's fine. I just wanted to make sure you had something planned for her, though her past seems really interesting, so we can just leave it a surprise for now. Accepted: Rainer, Regan, and Hao. Don't worry, there is plenty of room still. (Though when people start high-tailing it out of here, we'll see who really commits. <.< >.>) Right, well I guess I'll start my CS making now. Anything else I need to add to the OP? WOW just realized Cecelia's blog is legit. And here I was wondering how you got the font to be orange. *facepalm* That's really awesome! >v< Them poke-puns doe.