So I spent like three hours trying to draw something for my character. In the end the lines were decent enough, but I had literally no idea how to color it decently and I wasn't going to use it without color. I decided to opt out of drawing it on my own and just found a picture online that was close to what I had drawn. [hider=Rena Sato][center][img=][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Rena Sato ([i]Rei-nah Sah-toe[/i]) [b]Age:[/b] 17 Years of Age [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hometown:[/b] Anistar City, Kalos [b]How would you describe yourself?[/b] I would describe myself as dedicated, resilient, and clever. I challenge situations instead of simply accepting them and I don't easily accept things as they are if they can be improved. That, however, could in itself become an issue when the situation doesn't allow for debate. I suppose I can also be overly stubborn about things as well and I tend to fail to realize and/or understand the bigger picture. As for my interactions with other people, I react calmly to others and am typically the one to initiate things. Although, I dislike being forced to do things other than what I had in mind and as such I end up upsetting people. Combining these, you could probably summarize me as this: Sturdy, witty, and creative but arrogantly stubborn, fickle, and single-minded. [b]Why do you want to be a ranger?[/b] I wanted to get out of Kalos and do something that I chose, not some family business I'd end up hating. I've also wanted to learn more about Pokemon and their behaviour. Isn't it logical I'd be a Pokemon Ranger to do both? [b]Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt?[/b] I don't really know. Hurt or Hunt would likely be the best fit for me based on what my skills are but what I currently lack is the ability to make an [i]informed[/i] decision. What I'd like to do is experience each first-hand and decide which one I'm best at before I make up my mind. [b]Do you have any Special Skills?[/b] I have plenty of practice and expertise in engineering and machinery. Multiple sources agree that I have shown above-average reaction time, improvisation and instinctual action while in the field. [b]What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why?[/b] Favorite...? That would probably be Fire- or Ice-types. Fire-types have a lot of strengths and they tend to overall be better in action. Fire-types are way stronger though, and they'd be really convenient in a lot of situations.. I prefer Ice-types as companions though. They're a lot calmer and I like the cold more. Though you could ask, when will an Ice-type come in handy in the field? I can't think of an example as to when they'd be useful...! But... why should I be with a type I don't enjoy? Ice was my favorite when I was younger... so I guess they're my favorite. [b]Anything else we need to know about you?[/b] I'm 5'11"/180cm, 136lbs/62kg. [/hider]