Rena Sato looks good. Accepted! [hider= Dirge Burlesque] [img=] [b]Name:[/b] Dirge Burlesque. [b]Age:[/b] Fifteen. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Hometown:[/b] Icirrus City in the Unova Region. [b]How would you describe yourself? [/b] I'm not exactly proud of it, but people always tell me I should stop being so damn snarky. Personally, I think they're just being way too sensitive. After all there's nothing wrong with speaking your mind, though I guess it scares some people off. Maybe they just don't expect me to be so blunt... I'm also super driven and never really take thing to the heart, which, when working in a social environment is important! Either that or the internet was just really messing with me. I'd describe myself as outgoing and determined. I'm not afraid to put myself out there, but sometimes I get too greedy with the limelight... I'm not the strongest, but I'm tough. I can take hits, and I don't mind getting hit with a pokemon's attack as long as it doesn't leave a huge scar. Though I don't usually hit it off with others, I'm not one who easily gives up, and even then, I'm used to working by myself. [b]Why do you want to be a ranger?[/b] I've always known about pokemon rangers, but I never really thought about being one until a few months ago. I was traveling with my mom, who is a storm chaser. She even has her own TV show! It's not on the tops of the charts or anything, but it's called 'Sudden Storms'. Anyways, sometimes I appear in it as her assistant, (I know it sounds kinda lame, but traveling around the region chasing after strange weather is actually really cool) and recently, the storm was just way too intense. We were in Pinwheel Forest, when a whole cluster of tree trunks had been hurled straight at us from an unseen source! My mom has an Abomasnow, but it was already exhausted from saving us from a whole bunch of debris. We would have been dead if it wasn't for a massive Conkeldurr coming and shielding us from the worst of the impact. I think a big branch hit my stomach or something, because I woke up in the clinic about two days later. It was then I learned that the Conkeldurr had been forced to help by a pokemon ranger. Since then, I've done all I can to learn about rangers in hopes of becoming one! [b]Do you want to Help, Hurt, or Hunt?[/b] As long as I'm on some super awesome mission, it doesn't matter to me! But if I had to pick one, I guess I'd be a Hunt Ranger. People are always stealing stuff, especially when it's something important, so it'd be fun to trail some evil-doer like a sleuth! [b]Do you have any Special Skills?[/b] Well, traveling with my mom, the storm-chaser, I learned to recognize when a storm is coming based on the sudden drops of temperature and abnormal behaviors of pokemon. Other than that, my social skills are a bit lacking. I suppose I have above average endurance, though it's nothing to write home about. I memorized a whole bunch of pokemon mythos, and that might come in handy someday! I'm really good at improvising, and picking up things quickly. It's pretty much thanks to that that I got A's in most of my classes. [b]What is your Favorite Type of Pokemon and why?[/b] In Icirrus City, there's a nearby tower known as Dragonspiral Tower. Because of that, dragon types are really the 'in' thing in the entire city. However, dragons are defeated, (in most cases,) by ice pokemon! My mom's Abomasnow is also pretty awesome, so playing with that huge ice-type when I was little probably made me bias toward ice types. That, and I really like the snow. [b]Anything else we need to know about you? [/b] I know a lot of stories about pokemon, and knowing all the myths old folks will tell you can't hurt. I admit I'm a bit obsessed with stories, which is my brainy side at its best. [/hider]