[b]Episode 1: Field Trip[/b] [i]Several weeks into the new school term and everything seems to going well at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The vast student body are finally coming together and the young teachers are finally getting a hang of their respective roles. Headmistress Pryde feels like celebrating. The plan? FIELD TRIP!! Kitty, several teachers and a large portion of her student body head off to a museum in New York for education and hot dogs. Unbeknownst to them an unknown foe has targeted them. Several explosions rock the museum and the group of mutants are separated from one another as the museum goes on lockdown. What exactly does the mysterious Mr W have planned and where in the world is Kitty?![/i] [b]3 weeks later…[/b] Obviously a museum wasn’t everybody’s idea of a great time but Kitty did love her history. Turning herself to face the group of students that had agreed to come on this trip, she smile. “Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I’ve got some pull with the curator of the museum, so he’s allowing us free reign today. There are civilians here so no powers!” The headmistress didn’t say that part particularly loud but it was loud enough and forceful enough for her students to understand it’s importance. “It’s just gone 11am so, we’ll split into groups of four, three students, one teacher and we’ll have ourselves a good time and meet back here at 3” Pulling a clipboard from her handbag, Kitty scanned the names listed quickly. “Here are the groups: Luna, Alicia, River. Your guide will be Professor Torres. Oona, Danny and Naka. Your guide will be Professor Vaughn. Francesca, Duncan and Harley. Your guide is Coach DiAngelo And finally, Mila, Rory, Morena, Professor Faraday will be your guide. Listen to your teachers, don’t stray from your group and do not leave the museum unless given permission. I may be a pretty lax teacher but I’m also pretty harsh so don’t make me have to raise my voice. Now go on, have fun. I’ve got a bit of work to do” Kitty watched with a subtle smile as her young teachers walked off in different directions with their respective groups. [b]1 Hour later[/b] [img=https://meandrichard.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/vlcsnap-2010-11-02-04h28m16s238.png] “Is everything in place?” The dark haired man spoke into his cell phone with a smooth English accent as he stood outside the museum. A faint voice on the other end of the line gave him a solid “Affirmative sir, we’re awaiting your signal” The man hung up his phone and then swiftly dialled another number. “Showtime” Was the single word that broke from his lips as a series of small isolated explosions rocked both the inside and outside of the old museum building. Steel doors came flying down and bars appeared on the windows as the automated security system when straight into effect. The museum was on lockdown. No way in, no way out.