[center]~| [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/32210/posts/ooc?page=2#post-976867]Mila[/url] |~[/center] Mila didn't know about the others but she was actually quite excited about the trip to the museum. A life of seclusion left her constantly yearning for new experiences and this would be a delightful day indeed! She hurried about her dorm, dressed in a casual white top and loose black skirt that went down to her knees; Her hair messily styled with her fingers. She quickly packed a few things into a book bag before nearly skipping across the campus to board the bus with the rest of the handful of students she had grown to know relatively well over the previous weeks. She flopped down into her seat with her bag over her lap. Through the ride she quietly hummed to herself, assuming the chatter would hide the simple tune. Luckily the ride had been short and she hurried out of the bus, slinging her bag over her shoulder. They broke up into groups. It was Professor Faraday as the chaperone along with Rory, Morena and herself. As they separated from the other groups and began their journey. Mila's eyes flickered over every piece the museum had to offer with wide eyed wonderment. Though her grand time would be short lived. Suddenly several explosions shook the very ground they stood upon. Quickly, from a life time of training her instincts kicked in. She twirled out of the open and crouched behind a wide display as her eyes scanned meticulously for any threat. Her fingers faintly touching the small vial hidden within the inner seam of her skirt; filled with a few strands of hair she had saved for several years to use in case of emergency. As the last explosion died down she sighed, they were safe. For now at least. She stood up from behind the podium display, releasing hold of the hidden vial as she flattened out her recently crinkled skirt. She walked back over to the group. "What the hell was that? Is everyone okay?" She asked with genuine concern. She looked around another time. Several of the displays had fallen over and the rumble from the explosions had cracked several places along the wall. What the hell was going on? Was all she could think about. For a moment she thought it might be Nick Cage breaking in to steal some patriotic item but that concept was quickly squashed. Nick Cage would never use explosives. It might have damaged historically important artifacts. He was more respectful then that. She was back to the drawing board.