[b][i][u]Luna Marionette[/b][/i][/u] Luna folded her arms across her chest as they came to a stand still just inside the museum. "I can't believe you talked me into this..." She murmured to Rory as she came to stand next to her, Luna had opted to wearing her contact lenses today so she had dark chocolate eyes instead of the bright wolfish yellow most people had become accustomed to over the last couple of weeks. She had adopted a rather glum expression now they were here, she hadn't been in the best of moods anyway over the last few days she'd even dropped the ball in combat class, having been sluggish and unfocused throughtout the last couple if lessons. Luna glanced around the small group of mutants she had no doubt Alicia was stood the other side of Rory it was an oddity to see one without the other usually. A fact Luna was learning to live with, even if...She frowned at her own thoughts, listening as Kitty called them to attention. [I]Professor Torres? Great at least she'll make this place a little more interesting.[/I] She had nothing against the art teacher, she just hoped she wouldn't be expected to pay immaculate attention to every exhibit...Luna took a deep breath shaking away her negativity, she'd need to shake it to survive this human museum. "Should have figured we'd get separated" Luna managed to grin at Rory, as Kitty finished her speech. "Try not to have too much fun without me" Luna winked a teasing smile crossing her lips, a new development over the last few weeks was Luna's teasing it had become slightly more flirtatious in nature yet again it could have been put down to her shift in confidence, though it was rather directed at Rory...Offering a small wave Luna dutifully moved over to Professor Torres, waiting for the tour to start... ...Having dawdled at the back of the group for the last hour, responding to any questions with a light voice and forced smile careful not to reveal her fangs as she did. Luna was suitably relaxed, she didn't even care much about the small amount of humans dotted around. However as the first explosion went off Luna instantly hit tbe deck crouching low to the ground resting forward on one hand her other wrapping over her head protectively as the whole building seemed to shake almost on instinct her claws sprung into view and she released an angry growl dodging sideways as a display cabinet fell towards her the glass shattering across the floor, her eyes darted to rest on the nearest exit she heard a metallic whir and leapt towards the floor space trying to slide beneath the steel sheet that plummeted towards the ground. Unfortunately the steel door clattered down before she reached it, meaning she collided with it instead. In a fit of rage Luna lashed out at the door slamming her palms against the steel with force. "What the hell?!" She barked, her temper already getting the better of her as she spun on the spot she reached a hand up to her face forcing her claws to retract as she pulled the contact lenses from her eyes, carelessly discarding them as she tried to keep her composure