Vance gave Nëis a small nod in thanks for answering his question as he boarded the ship, unknowingly walking behind the captain. He stopped for a moment, looking over to Nëis and Ignia, who started talking, giving the woman a warm smile before going below deck to get to know the rest of the crew. As he passed the sleeping quarters, he assumed that was where the servants would be bedding, he couldn't help but over hear them talking "Yup, my name is Azren!" After that, the talking didn't seem to stop from that one. He wasn't one to be easily annoyed but he knew that this might go on for a while. He gave a glance their way as he made his way to the kitchen. [i]"I don't suppose any of you know how to cook an edible meal?[/i]" He overheard the captain say as he entered the kitchen. He watched the one who called himself "Arren" get right to work. [i]"Right to work, what a good servant"[/i] he thought to himself, unknown to him that the 'servants' sleeping quarters would also he his, and that the work that needed to be done while on the ship would be his to do as well. Grabbing an onion from the counter, he walked a bit away from the others. With a quick hand gesture, he tossed the onion into the air behind him, keeping in mind everyone's position so no one got hurt. He quickly unsheathed his rapier, turned and sliced the onion in half, grabbing the dagger from his belt, he threw it into one half of the onion and it stuck into the wall next to the stove. Using the tip of his rapier for the rest of his display, he cut the other half, which was quickly falling, into quarters and with two quick thrusts speared them onto the tip of his sword with near perfect accuracy, hitting the middle of each piece. His stance was that of a professional swordsman, obviously well trained in the art of fencing. After giving a proper salute, he walked over, pulling his dagger out of the wall with the onion still attached and placed it on the warming stove. He raised his blade to his face, taking a bite out of the pieces of onion that were still attached with a smirk on his face. He was impressed with himself. After clearing his sword of the food, he re-sheathed it, along with the dagger in his belt. "Vance Meridian, at your service" he said with a slight bow to the one also dressed in a nobles clothes. He could only assume that he was addressing the captain.