In the middle of the hall stood Meats, solemn and quiet. His mind was relaxed, body - showing no signs of strain. Hands wrapped around the handle of Iginbo, the point of his sword sightly sunk into the wooden floor. The demon watched, his menacing prescence spreading over the whole battlefield, seeking his opponents, eager to slay. Unmoving as a statue, but filled with a vicous flame, determined to overcome and win, serenity merely a mask hiding his dreadful nature, he prepared to employ his favorite tactic: immediate assault. Unleashing a barrage of strikes within the first seconds of the fight, Meats would gain an advantage over his opponent, or even finish with a glorious blitzkrieg - the latter being rare though. Exploiting his tirelesness, which allowed for what would instentaniously exhaust a normal human to be unleashed over and over, he took his enemy by suprise, forcing them to slip out an ace from their sleeve early in the fight, or reveal their full defensive capability, helping him find a way around it. That is why he waited stoic and calm: to decive his enemy and hide the true nature of his style. To ambush without hiding.