Absolutely, obviously the news is there's a 'sequel' in the works, and that's good to hear, because the series is definitely in good hands, especially if Toho remains as supportive as they were of this film. In a perfect world I'd like to see the Brody family phased out, as they're rather unremarkable and unnecessary, and have Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah all appear over the next couple films, because as a fan those names would provide a lot of weight, but also add to a potential over-arcing story line, to perhaps introduce Mechagodzilla as a mechanical weapon jointly developed by the world powers after the repeated Kaiju attacks, and growing unrest with the presence of Godzilla. They know he's there, but does everyone really trust a prehistoric apex predator to always be on humanity's side? No. Should they? Obviously, but that wouldn't stop humanity from assuming the worst and hedging their bets with a man-made, man-controlled weapon. This is all conjecture and fever dreams of a fanboy, but a dream is a dream nonetheless.