I'll accept she's the sister, but try not to make her op like you did the sun goddess, and try to rule over my character. Or else it'll end up like last time. Also don't try to make out my character already I did my own research on Hades, and I'm playing him more to what he was truly like. Name: Hades Age: incredibly old he's a god of the underworld Personality: Is rather passive on things expect when it comes to those leaving his realm. When people try to leave his realm without his okay they are often brought back, and punished for their crime. He is someone that is incredibly just, and will follow the laws he set when first taking over the underworld. Powers: Control over all darkness to the extent of being able to create portals of shadow to the human world, and olympus. The souls of dead humans are unable to refuse his orders. He also can turn invisible to all around him by dawning his helm of darkness including other gods. [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/343/9/4/Hades___Alone_by_Tomas_Jefferson.jpg]