Gun Gale Online is a VRMMO released only three weeks ago - and for whatever reason, you have decided to join this depressing, game full of violence, loud noises, and a very poor community to boot! But besides that, its become extremely popular recently, getting a new player almost every three minutes. But the true reason many players are here is because of the real money trading system, and the Battle of Bullets competition, which awards a plethora of in game or real life prizes and 4 mega credits - the equivalent of 40,000 yen. Basically, go in, bust some heads, grind some mobs, spawnkill some bosses, and then become first place in a globally ranked tournament. Seems easy enough, yeah? Yes, there is a conflict. You'll see it soon. c; This game is hyper realistic, almost every gun in real life being in the game, more being added every patch and update. Fatigue and hunger are real, and it isn't uncommon for grinding parties to be seen leaving with hired help to carry extra food for the party. (Currency system is in credits, every two million credits is a mega credit.) [url=]Character's Bin Sheets Thing, Yes![/url] Character sheet. [hider=Don't be scared] ------ [b][u] General Information [/b] [/u] [Name]: [Username]: [Sex]: [Age]: [Appearance]: (Image or good description.) [Ethnicity]: ------ [b][u] Stats [/b] [/u] (Note: [u]ALL[/u] Weapons are expensive, and ammunition isn't infinite. Watch your bullets. And Sniper Rifles [b]WILL NOT BE USER FRIENDLY[/b]) [Level]: 1-5 (Only 2-5 if converted over from another VRMMO) [Health Points]: (*Sneaky ninja formula will determine your hp after you submit your cs*) [Favourite Weapon]: (Submachine Gun, Assault Rifle, Light Machine Gun (So ironic..), Sidearms, Explosives, Shotguns, Sniper Rifle, Plasma, Other.) [Weapon Stats]: (Will determine skills and lower recoil, increase accuracy, etc. May have multiple guns listed here. 60 points every level. You can wield weapons that you don't have skill points invested in.) ------ [b][u]Radical Combatical Stats[/b][/u] ***250 points every level*** (Until Level 6, then it is 100 points every level.) [Agility]: 0/888 (With every point, the character becomes able to run for greater distances, and performing aerial actions.) [Dexterity]: 0/888 (With every point, reloading and actions with your hands become gradually faster. [Stealth]: 0/888 [Hawk Eyes]: 0/888 (Amount of distance character can see without a scope, greater mastery allowing detail over long distances.) [Strength]: 0/888 (Affects damage and carrying capacity, indirectly affects defence by the fact that bullet proof protection is anywhere from light to heavy.) [Good Breakfast]: 0/888 (Fatigue gradually decreases in battle.) [Tracking]: 0/888 [Intuition]: 0/888 (Noticing slight differences in things, easier to discover secrets and feel the presence of people around you.) ----- [b][u] Out Of Combat Stats. [/b] [/u] (OOC, just to confuse everyone~) ***135 Points per level*** [Gunsmithing] 0/1500 (Mastery allows the user to submit designs for guns to the company, and if approved, may do whatever they see fit with the blueprints.) [Bulletsmithing] 0/1500 (Components for bullets and blueprints for special bullets are very easy to see clogging up your inventory, and components for bullets are cheaper than the bullets themselves.) [Locksmithing] 0/1500 (Many of the areas and buildings in GGO are sealed with locks that can't be opened by simply shooting the lock or failing to blow up the blast proof door.) [Armoursmithing] 0/1500 (Mastery allows the user to submit designs for armours to the company, and if approved, may do whatever they see fit with the blueprints.) [Music] 0/500 (For the lols) [Lewts] 0/1000 (Allows for slightly higher drop rates and makes it easier to find crafting materials.) [Cooking] 0/500 (Makes it possible to cook food.) [Poison Mixing] 0/500 (Allows crafting of poisonous components for bullets or any other object in game.) [Scavenging] 0/500 (Who needs to make their own food, right?) ------ [b][u]Tell me about yourself. [/b] [/u] [Backstoryeh~]: Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it nice. Whether or not they converted and why is a good topic. [Personalitehy~]: At least one paragraph. ------ (You will start with nothing except for clothing, no starting with camo, ye? "But how do I get money for my first weapon.." Don't worry about it.) [Equipment]: *Primary Weapon: *Secondary Weapon: *Lethal Equipment: *Tactical Equipment: *Ammunition: --Primary: --Secondary: --Lethal: (If applies) --Tactical: (If Applies) Clothing: (Image, please. And no, none is not a valid answer. e.e) Other: Items: (Any healing items you may have. i.e. medkit.) ------ [/hider] Rules: 1. Obviously, no godmodding or bunnying. 2. I can't expect you, nor can I force you, to post or be super active, but I can expect you to post every four days unless you talk to me with a specific reason why. You jerks with lives, you. (But seriously, it'll be fine. I don't bite .... hard.) 3. If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time, I'll take you out of the roleplay, and help you alter your character to be the same power as everyone else when you get back. K? K. 4. If you have a bone to pick with someone, do it in pm's. I don't want to see it here. If it's a long-standing problem, i.e. powerplay, come to me about it. 5. I swear, if I see a single overpowered sonofaknerlag... 6. Duels are allowed. So is moderate cursing. I will not tolerate excessive cursing or racial comments in or out of the out of character. If you have to, star it up. 7. Yes. 8. Put this in your cs, where it says other: "Oh, gm, lord of the knerlags..." Medkits are obtainable from player vendors, rare drops, or very expensively in the store. There are no "premium members only" objects, and anything in the store can be made by a player. This is why, commonly, players will buy a much cheaper product from a player than a store. However, many things players sell are exclusive and cannot be sold by shops.