Elsa and Juneberry walked to Magical Creatures together. While Elsa carried her books in her bag all day, June had forgotten to grab a bag and as a result, was stuck carrying them around all day. Her skinny arms were shaking with the effort of carrying them all, and as they reached her mother's classroom she felt her day just get alot better. "I'm so excited! Juneberry.... did you need help with those?" Elsa asked giggling as they spotted a table at the front that Kitten was sitting at. Before June could take her up on her offer, the blonde girl had skipped to the front to the third member of their exciting trio. Sighing, Juneberry walked through the isle and watched her mom talking with another student before walking into her classroom office. Just then, a foot shot out in front of her feet, and Juneberry tumbled forward into the floor, books and all. Wincing as she bit her bottom lip, June stayed on the ground for a moment before the class erupted into quiet laughter. "Haha guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree." said the boy who tripped her. "Looney and clumsy i suppose." Juneberry said nothing, wiping away the blood on her lip as she gathered her books back up. She went to put her books on her table before walking back and standing in front of the guy. "You better apologize." she said quietly, her left hand making a fist. "For what, you fell on your own." he lied, looking unintimidated by her. But that wasent what Juneberry cared about. A broken lip could be fixed. "I mean what you said about my mom. Take it back." "Why? Its the tru-" his response was cut off by her punching him in the nose. "My mom is [i]not[/i] looney. Got that?" she said before her mom walked out of the office. "Hello my little dove. Oh, what has happened to Jeremy? And...your lip?" "Oh my lip is fine. And dont worry, he just fell." she lied with a smile before going to sit with Kitten and Elsa at the front. She smiled proudly as her mom sent him out with a pass to the Nurse.