I love novel ideas as much as the next person, I really do. But sometimes, you just crave something a tiny bit more... [i]cliché,[/i] don't you? What's that? You do? Well, then this might be the RP idea for you! Alright, so weird intros aside, my idea is basically this: a good old fantasy adventure, taking place in a good old fantasy adventure setting! Not meaning the usual Tolkien-esque idea with dwarves and elves and stuff, though. More of the type you'd find in some RPG's (I've been playing a lot of Bravely Default recently). Obviously I wouldn't just be leaving it at 'cliché,' as I already have a good idea of a decent setting and story, but what I really want to do is set this RP up so that the major focus is on characters and character development. I want to see what [i]you[/i] are bringing to the table, and learn more about the characters that you make! I know that might be a little difficult for you to do without any real idea of what the setting itself will be like yet (though I'm sure you can already guess, for the most part), but I'll try and include a decent description of the setting in the OOC if it indeed comes to that, and I would of course be happy to answer any questions necessary for character creation personally, if you have them! But of course, an Interest Check amounts to nothing without any interest! I am looking for three to five other people to make up our merry little band of adventurers! And since these would be [b]the[/b] characters, things would obviously get a little tricky if someone vanished on us halfway through, so please: [u]Only respond if you're willing to go in for the long haul on a fairly long-term RP.[/u] I have really high hopes for this RP, and I hope that we can all have some fun making our own adventure!