Saint your post seemed quite rushed. You should have taken you time, there was so much prospect there. You could have dodged it in several other ways, or perhaps even shown your character slightly getting injured. You could have also given Fletcher's thought on A.M.R.O's purpose and his own. Cause that is what I was alluring to with all what Gadrael spoke off. But I suppose it is fine as we do need to move things along. Ryver and Rtron you two are next. And as a means to make things interesting you two should show your character's reaction to Gadrael and his statement. I know Kiara would have to rethink of a lot of things. And the newbies may be a little scarred too. =P Also each of you should end your post with throwing a heavy attack aimed at Gadrael. In my post ill time it such that all those attacks were times together from different angels hence it would increase the probability of Gadrael getting hit.