Reserving a spot. [s]Will put sheet here when it's finished.[/s] [b]DONE![/b] [hider=Character] [b][u] General Information [/b] [/u] [Name]: Iris von Drüben [Username]: Schwarzer Falken [Sex]: Female [Age]: 16 [Appearance]: [img=] [i]sans guns and stuff[/i] [Ethnicity]: Caucasian, American (German ancestry) ------ [b][u] Stats [/b] [/u] [Level]: 1 [Health Points]: (*Sneaky ninja formula will determine your hp after you submit your cs*) [Favourite Primary Weapon]: Assault Rifle [Favorite Secondary Weapon]: Handgun (semi-auto, full-auto, double-action and single-action...) [Weapon Stats]: Total Points- 60 Primary • Assault Rifle- 50/1000 • Sniper Rifle- 1/1000 • Shotgun- 1/1000 • Light Machine Gun- 1/1000 • Optical- 1/1000 Secondary • Sub Machine Gun- 1/1000 • Pistol- 10/1000 • Optical- 1/1000 Melee • Photon Sword- 1/1000 • Knife- 1/1000 ------ [b][u]Radical Combatical Stats[/b][/u] Total Points- 250 [Agility]: 150/888 (With every point, the character becomes able to run for greater distances, and performing aerial actions.) [Dexterity]: 50/888 (With every point, reloading and actions with your hands become gradually faster. [Stealth]: 0/888 [Hawk Eyes]: 0/888 (Amount of distance character can see without a scope, greater mastery allowing detail over long distances.) [Strength]: 0/888 (Affects damage and carrying capacity, indirectly affects defence by the fact that bullet proof protection is anywhere from light to heavy.) [Good Breakfast]: 0/888 (Fatigue gradually decreases in battle.) [Tracking]: 0/888 [Intuition]: 50/888 (Noticing slight differences in things, easier to discover secrets and feel the presence of people around you.) ----- [b][u] Out Of Combat Stats. [/b] [/u] ***135 Points per level*** [Gunsmithing] 50/1500 [Bulletsmithing] 50/1500 [Locksmithing] 25/1500 [Armoursmithing] 0/1500 [Music] 0/500 [Lewts] 0/1000 [Cooking] 10/500 [Poison Mixing] 0/500 [Scavenging] 0/500 ------ [b][u]Tell me about yourself. [/b] [/u] [Backstory]: Well, this calls for a little history lesson. Eighty years ago, the defeated Germany was split into four zones, each occupied by one of the victorious powers following the Second World War. A few years later, in 1949, the western allied occupation zones became the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic. It was in 1960, four years after West Germany was allowed a military again that a small German family was met with a dilemma. Major Leberecht Kreulich, an experienced pilot who had flown for the Luftwaffe during the war, was offered work in the West German Luftwaffe and provided he accepted, the Western government would take care of bringing him into the west from his current home in East Berlin. At the time, the Berlin Wall hadn't been constructed yet and while border controls were quite tough, passing through was no challenge for western agents. In early 1961, he accepted and he was brought into the west. However, his wife was to be left in the east for a few months while they worked out how to get her through too, as border controls were getting tougher by the day. However, the woman would never get to the west. In August, 1961, the Berlin Wall was constructed and they were thus cut off from ever meeting Leberecht again. Seemingly, the West had forgotten about them. Arianes, fell into a depression, which she eventually recovered from and she had her first daughter in 1980, despite her somewhat old age. Due to her work, she left her daughter, whom she had named Inka, in the care of her own cousin. Her cousin was an avid anti-communist and in 1988, he managed to escape with Inka to West Berlin by hiding in the trunk of a bribed Stasi officer. After arrival in West Berlin, they took a plane to West Germany proper, where Inka would have her first day of school in capitalist land... [i]Inka stood up when the teacher entered the classroom for the first hour. When no one else stood up, Inka thought to herself [/i]do people not stand when the teacher comes into the room in the West?[i] "What is it?" asked the teacher, as Inka still stood. Oh, right, you're the new one. [/i]Die von drüben[i]." Inka winced at the harsh nickname, meaning, 'the one of the other side'. Hesitantly, Inka sat down at her place. This math teacher was immediately unappealing to the girl. He also began teaching not with math work, but with telling the class about the morning routines in the GDR. "In GDR-schools,"he said with a mocking tone, "every morning, the students must elect a so-called 'Pioneer Leader', something like our own class president. The students then count and say, '[/i]Pionierleiter[i], I report twenty-one students, two sick!'". For some reason, all the class burst into laughter. Inka shrunk into her seat, blushing. Then, the math teacher asked, "Well then class, what do you all know about the GDR?". "We have to wait in line for everything!", one student said with a sneer. "In the summer, no one can get anything to drink..." A girl said in a jerkish voice. "You have to get a stupid pass if you want to visit the East!" Inka couldn't take it anymore. She jumped out of her seat and yelled at the class; "You are all evil!" The teacher reeled in surprise as Inka continued. "You have no idea about anything and you say such things! I liked living there. I didn't want to leave, but no one asked me what I wanted! My friends there were nowhere near as pretentious as you - you capitalists!" With tears streaming from her eyes, she ran out of class and ran away from school...[/i] However, she didn't stop at leaving school. Distraught, she ran away from her cousin and West Germany on foot, managing to escape to Switzerland on foot. When she was finally caught by Swiss authorities, she refused to say a word and with no knowledge of an official legal guardian or relative in the West, she was put into a rather well off foster family's care in Switzerland. Eventually, Inka was able to forget about her rather harsh past that began on that day and she became a relatively good student, eventually moving to the United States to continue her studies. In an ironic, mocking regard of her past, she adopted the surname 'von Drüben' and she spent a good few years learning medicine before graduating and marrying a German-American USAF pilot in 2008. Finally, we get to the part where the important character in this story comes in. In 2009, the couple had their first and only daughter, who they named Iris for the quite enrapturing color of her eyes. It was evident from a young age that Iris was a smart and content child, happy to play with a single toy for hours on end. She was adored by her father in particular, who was only allowed passing moments with the girl due to his line of work. This work would eventually separate them for good when he was deployed overseas and never came back. To this day, Iris has never been told what had happened to him, but having her head screwed onto her shoulders correctly, she has ideas as to what happened. Grim as it may be, it meant little to her and still doesn't, as she was only a few years old when he disappeared without a trace. Fast forward to the present day and saving us three more paragraphs of exposition that could or could not be revealed through the in character interactions, Iris has grown up into an intelligent, determined though slightly bored teenager. Due to only growing up with her mother and thus learning English with her, she has something of a German accent, which became something used to her detriment in her early school years, making her somewhat scared of other people. It was like this that she invested more and more of her time into virtual pursuits. By age twelve, she was at the top of her region's ladder in four different games and was keeping modest grades at school. However, it was when she was thirteen years old that an event would arrive that would truly captivate her. This event was called Sword Art Online and while she didn't have the money at the time to participate and buy the hardware herself and participate in what would change the face of gaming forever, Iris found herself completely enraptured by the idea of "living" within a virtual world. Not mention her own mother being in charge of keeping American SAO players alive, however few they were. On November 7th, 2024, the hellish game finally ended, but one more VRMMO sprung up to take this place. While Iris generally felt less interested in the new one, she still kept up with events and was honestly surprised when ALfheim Online went the way of the dodo too. However, even more surprising was when the "seed" to make new VRMMO's was released as open source and hundreds of VRMMO's utilized the technology, saturating the market, to the complete and utter excitement of the girl. Despite the initial chagrin towards VRMMO's, especially from her own mother, having worked on and lost many patients to SAO, Iris finally managed to get her hands on a limited edition VR headset packaged with the current hit, Gun Gale Online when she was sixteen after working with her mother's friend in the hospital gift shop. While the more gritty and dark setting for the game was initially somewhat unappealing to her, Iris took the opportunity to jump into an entirely new world with total enthusiasm... [Personality]: As mentioned before, Iris is an intelligent, generally friendly, determined and bored teenager. Due to experiences when she was younger thanks to her somewhat peculiar accent, Iris has problems interacting with others due to fears of being made fun of, though it's a completely different experience when she is online, taking on a completely different persona (as most people do when online, in retrospect). She is also a very good gamer and while completely new to actually playing VRMMO's, Iris has great reflexes and after watching on-screen reload animations over and over due to her gaming habits, she can easily figure out most if not all guns. ------ [Equipment]: *Primary Weapon: *Secondary Weapon: *Lethal Equipment: *Tactical Equipment: *Ammunition: --Primary: --Secondary: --Lethal: (If applies) --Tactical: (If Applies) Clothing: Same as above picture, but now [i]with[/i] all the stuff! Other: Oh, GM, lord of the knerlags, hear the following miscellaneous fact about my character; Iris has uses her mother's maiden name ever since her father disappeared. In fact, she can't even remember what her original last name was... Items: ------ [/hider]